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"Ms. Tzuyu, Mr. Kwon is already waiting at the meeting room." Yuna said and I gestured her okay.

I get all the things that I need for the presentation and walked to the room. It's been 4 weeks since the surprise of Jungkook at the hotel and honestly, ever since that day he became so protective of me and I kinda understand that.

"Good Morning, Mr. Kwon." I offered him my hands and he accepted it.

"Good Morning Mrs. Jeon." my cheeks blushed as he said that, I wasn't used to being called like that because they always call me Ms. Tzuyu here.

I started the presentation and their company seems to like our proposal so when we handed them the contract, they didn't even think about it twice.

(a/n: okay author nim promoting songs again | better think about twice!)

"Glad to be working with you Mr. Kwon." We took a picture while holding the contract and when they left I suddenly felt hungry.

I looked at the time and it's already 1pm, it's past lunch already! I asked Yuna to buy some food for both of us and unexpected I pointed at many things.

"M-Ms. Tzuyu, can we really finish all that?"

"Yeah!" I said happily and sat at the chair again while looking at the window.

Minutes later, Yuna entered my office again while carrying the foods that I asked her to buy.

"Okay, let's go join me." We sat down at the couch and table in my office and dig up, I was about to eat the fishcake when I suddenly felt the urge to vomit because of the smell.

"Are you okay Ms. Tzuyu?" Yuna asked while looking at the bathroom door.

"Y-yeah." I wiped my mouth as I go out the bathroom and Yuna already put the fishcake away since she said it may be spoiled that's why.

We both finished the dishes and asked a staff to clean the mess at the office. I looked at the time and it's already 3pm meaning to say the meeting for the board will start in a few minutes.

I gathered all my things again and Yuna, as usual came into my room to help me. When we are about to go out, I felt things spin around me and all I can hear is Yuna repeatedly saying my name until it's all blacked out.

I woke up seeing the white ceiling and I knew exactly where I am. The hospital.

I slowly sat down and I saw Yuna coming this way with a huge smile in her face. This girl..why is she even happy I'm here.

"Did you call Jungkook?" I asked, I don't want to worry him more so I just hope she did not.

"I didn't, Ms. Tzuyu." I sighed in relief and the doctor came in.

"Mrs. Jeon, how are you feeling?"

"Great but why did I collapsed?" she opened her charts and pointed at something.

"Congratulations Mrs. Jeon, you're four weeks pregnant!" and that's when my world stopped, not just because I don't want it but because I am happy.

I felt a tear escaped my eyes as she told me that. Yuna hugged me.

"You can have the ultrasound today Mrs. Jeon so you can have the print and show it to your husband." she bowed and left.

"Ms. Tzuyu... I'm so happy for you!" she hugged me again and I thanked her. I also asked her a favor to not tell anyone yet because I was planning to say it in our anniversary which is a week away from now.

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