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"Let's go, we'll be late." I told Tzuyu as I was fixing my tie and she was fixing her black dress and sunglasses.

"Jungwoo, come here." and there's Jungwoo, our son. He's three years old now and he looks just like me, except the eyes, he got it from his mummy. She held Jungwoo's hand as we walked to the car and drov our way to our destination.

When we arrived, the noonas and hyungs are already there with Yoongi hyung's daughter Jiyoon and Seokjin hyung's daughter Seokyeon.

Jungwoo gently got out of the car with the flowers on his hands and ran to his uncles, aunties and friends.

Tzuyu and I just looked at him, adoring his little footsteps and he dropped the flower at her grave...

"Chae-ngil jjuk-ahae Yeri nowna~" Jungwoo greeted stuttering and pronouncing cutely. He still not that good at pronouncing but he's still young.

Yeri died 8 months ago...but before she passed away she became close to all of us, especially Tzuyu and Jungwoo even though he might not remember it.

We always used to visit her at her ward her last few weeks was the hardest. Her alter ego was more often to attack than before to the point that she's already hurting herself.

Until that one day when her doctor called us saying that she passed away because of strangling herself. It can be considered as suicide but they made a point that it might be her alter ego who did that.

We made many happy memories with her, even though we may be a little too late. We hate to see her go but we thought maybe it's better because she will not be in pain anymore.

She'll be free...

"We miss you unnie..." Tzuyu whispered while kneeling at her grave. She loved her..like a true sister do. She was the one kinda find it hard to let her go but she accepted it later on.

"Tzuyu, don't cry too much. It's bad for you.." Jihyo said to Tzuyu and I quickly raised my eyebrows as she said that to her.

"W-what?" all of them laughed at me like I was the only one who had no idea about their inside joke.

"Jungwoo, come here." Tzuyu called Jungwoo, ignoring my presence here. She kneeled down to his level and Jungwoo looked at her, eye to eye.

"Ne~ eomma?" he said. Tzuyu looked at me before looking back at Jungwoo.

"You're gonna be a brother." Jungwoo jumped in joy and was spun around by Namjoon hyung as they are all happy of the news.

I stood there stunned, how can I not know?!

She opened her arms for me and I hugged her. I felt really happy that she's pregnant again, I hope it's a girl this time because our boy Jungwoo here is much closer to his mom than me.

"Hey, I know what are you thinking. If it's a girl, she will like me hmp." she said proudly and we all just laughed at her as she said that.

After we visited Yeri's grave, all of us got straight to our house and ordered food for lunch.

There's so much food that we even invited other friends to come over.


"Wonwoo hyung!" I hugged him real tight as I haven't seen him for a year because of their business project in Canada with his partner Irene which is also now his fiancé.

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