Chapter 1: A Sword

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Denki Kaminari, Quirk: Electrification. He can discharge electricity from his body, but if he goes over his limit he becomes a babbling idiot for a period of time.

Kaminari is a member of the infamous Class 1-A at UA High School. Class 1-A was known for getting mixed up in villain attacks every once in a while. It has even gotten to the point where a couple of the students in his class has gotten actual interviews from certain media platforms. Unfortunately for Kaminari, he wasn't one of them, in fact, everyone doesn't really pay mind to Kaminari's overall talent much at all.

Kaminari is nowhere near the smartest student in the class, nor the most powerful. On top of that, he doesn't have great control of his quirk. He knows how to release electricity from his body, and he even has support items to help him make sure he doesn't shock everyone in the area, just his target. There's just only one problem: his range. The range of his attacks can be 10 meters away from his target, but for close-range attacks, he has to be physically touching his target. Because of this, he can end up getting captured or hurt easily, which makes him a liability. On top of that, when he reaches his limit, he becomes practically useless in battle and just gets in the way.

Kaminari has always thought about this ever since his class has been working on their ultimate moves. He was walking to class from his dorms alongside his friends and was thinking about the first day when they were creating their ultimate moves.

"I always imagined myself wielding a lightning sword."

At the time, he didn't think it was a solid way to go, but in the back of his head, he always thought: would that really be a bad idea? Not only would it solve his attack range problem, but it also might be able to help him disperse his electricity better so he wouldn't reach his limit so quickly. Although, how would he create a lightning sword? He doesn't have great control of his quirk, so how can he create something so meticulous as a sword with his electricity? He thought of getting an actual sword that can absorb his electricity and disperse it at his will. But how would that work? And what kind of metal would be able to withstand that?

"What would happen if I actually got a real sword for my quirk?" Kaminari accidentally said out loud to his friends as they were walking to school.

"Huh? That's the dumbest thing you've said this entire year dunce face! What good would a sword do for your quirk?" Bakugou shouted back to Kaminari, pretty frustrated because he doesn't want to deal with Kaminari's stupidity at the moment.

"Huh?! O-oh, well, I was thinking about charging a sword up with my electricity and using that to strike at my opponents without touching them." Kaminari said nervously to Bakugou, he knows Bakugou really doesn't want to deal with his stupidity this early in the morning.

"That sounds so cool! Are you creating a lightning sword or are you getting one out of metal? Like a support item? Mina said jumping around excitedly and getting close to Kaminari.

"Probably one made out of metal, but the tricky part is the metal has to able to store and release electricity, or else it's completely useless."

"Exactly dunce face, and what are the chances of finding a metal that can do just that?"

"Slim to none," Kaminari said in a defeated voice.

"Hey! Don't give up! Listen, I hear we're working on our ultimate moves today. So you should be able to visit the support course to see if there is a metal that can do just that!"

"Yeah, I'll do that. Thank you Ashido."

"That's what best friends are for!"

They entered the classroom and sat in their seats. When Mr. Aizawa walked in, they were told they were working on their ultimate moves that day and could go to the support lab to see if they can make any adjustments. After they got into their hero costumes, Kaminari asked to go to the support lab right away. Mr. Aizawa questioned why since they haven't even started yet, Kaminari said he was thinking about something on the way to class and wanted to check with the support course to see if it was ok. Mr. Aizawa gave the go-ahead and Kaminari walked off to the support course.

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