Chapter 31: Return

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"I wish I was in Rody's position, I want to sleep in the hospital for a bit longer."

"You've been sleeping for over a week and then some, you idiot! How the hell are you still tired?!" Bakugo asked as they were walking through the airport.

"Hey! Regenerating the injuries I had within a couple days takes a lot of energy! Especially because my body isn't used to regenerating!" Kaminari countered.

"How long would you say you'd need to sleep to recover from that?" Todoroki asked.

"Well... when Nezuko first turned she slept for two years straight," Kaminari started.

"Yeah, no, you're not sleeping in a hospital in a foreign country for two years," Endeavor said, who was walking in front of the students and listening to their entire conversation.

"I don't think I'd have to since I'm not a demon, but because I'm going to assume my body isn't used to regeneration just yet so maybe another week or so?" Kaminari said.

"You don't got that kind of time when we get back home Dunce Face!" Bakugo stated.

"Yeah, and I gotta start doing my night patrols again so resting isn't much of an option," Kaminari said.

"You should still take time to rest, what happens if you run into another Uppermoon?" Midoriya said, worried for his friend.

"I'll sleep on the plane," Kaminari said.

"You're still sleepy Nari?"

Both Midoriya and Kaminari turned around, seeing Rody approach them using a crutch to support his right side.


"I thought you weren't supposed to be released for another day or so?" Midoriya asked.

"They said I was farther along than they thought so they decided to let me go," Rody said.

"That's good," Kaminari said.

"Are you going to be heading back home?" Midoriya asked.

"Yeah, but..." Rody started to say, looking up and seeing almost everyone a part of Endeavor's agency except for Midoriya and Kaminari going up the escalator to get to their gate. "I decided to see all you guys off, it's the least I can do after this whole thing."

"That's nice of you, I'm glad we can see each other again before we leave," Kaminari said.

"Yeah, I guess," Rody said, scratching the back of his neck and turning towards the windows. "You guys are way too much trouble, and most of the work you need to do is back there so go ahead and go back to your country and do your hero work there."

They both looked over at Pino, who was perched on Rody's shoulder, crying as she looked at both Midoriya and Kaminari. Both of them smiled, knowing that Rody was gonna miss them when they left. They both let go of whatever they had in their hands and put it down on the ground, walking over to Rody and hugging him.

"We'll come and visit sometime," Midoriya said.

"Don't... all you guys bring is trouble, so stay away from Otheon you hear..." Rody responded, but his voice said otherwise.

"You should stop trying to lie to me, you know I can hear when you're lying right?" Kaminari said.

They all smiled at each other, they knew it was going to be a while before they saw each other again, but they didn't care at the moment. They parted when someone on the intercom announced that their flight was going to start boarding. Midoriya and Kaminari turned around and picked up their stuff from the ground, turning back to Rody shortly after.

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