Chapter 28: The Final Five

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Over at the All-Star World Heroes Association Headquarters, they just received a message that would change the course of these events.

"We just received a transmission from Shoto, a hero who was sent to Otheon. He said he obtained a disarming key for the Trigger Bombs!"

"Where is he now?" The director asked.

"He's heading to where the main system of the Trigger Bombs, in a hidden Humarise facility."

All Might looked at the message he sent on the big screen. "Young Todoroki... Young Bakugo... Young Kaminari... Young Midoriya..." All Might thought, hoping that his thoughts would somehow reach them.

"There's another part, I didn't see it at first because it's in small text."

"What does it say?"

"I don't know what it means, but it says that there's an Uppermoon somewhere in the facility, and Chargebolt will aim to take it down."

"What?!" All Might shouted out, surprised at the revelation.

"You know what that means All Might?" the director asked.

"I do, and depending on how they- Chargebolt deals with this, it can determine whether they're successful or not," All Might stated. 

A plane took off from Klayd's airport, that plane carried 4 heroes that were about to raid Humarise's secret base alone, and their pilot of course.

"Don't worry, I know the basic controls," Rody said calmly. 

Though Pino's reactions to flying in the air on a plane operated by her caretaker told everyone otherwise.

"This is no time to be chirping!" Rody told Pino, even though he knew there wasn't any point in telling her.

The heroes changed into their hero costumes, getting ready to raid the base, including Kaminari.

"Huh? Kaminari you're not gonna wear your Demon Slayer outfit?" Midoriya questioned.

"Of course not, I didn't even bring it remember?" Kaminari replied. "Though I am planning on wearing the haori when I face that Uppermoon."

"We're getting close," Rody called out. "Hey Nari, can you hear anything from up here? Or is everything too loud?"

"I can tune everything out, just give me a few seconds," Kaminari shouted back. He closed his eyes and listened for everything in the facility not too far away. "I definitely hear what I heard in the police car back in Otheon, we're dealing with an Uppermoon here."

"Anything that can help everyone else besides you?" Bakugo asked.

"Most of their members are near the entrance or the main corridor, Bakugo and Todoroki should be able to handle that," Kaminari said.

"And Flect Turn?" Midoriya asked.

"Since we never met I can't pick out who he is specifically, but the one human in the back, further back from the Uppermoon, he should be in there, probably guarding the place we need to get to," Kaminari said.

"That's their base! Down there!" Rody called out. "I'm gonna land, so hang on!"

"Rody, you turn back after this," Midoriya said.

"Why?!" Rody asked.

"Commoners like you should stay put..." Bakugo said.

"From this point..." Todoroki started.

"... is a job for heroes!" Kaminari finished.

The four of them jumped out of the plane, Kaminari staying close to Midoriya since the two of them are going farther into the base. As they were descending, they were met with bullets from rifles down at the front of the base. They all dodged the bullets, and Bakugo countered with his own kind of "bullets".

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