Chapter 54: Regroup

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The world around Kaminari was familiar, but not in the sense that he was there, it was more that he was envisioning it. He looked around the area, seeing a beautiful garden that looked well-maintained and loved. He then realized why it looked so familiar, it was the same garden where he met the Demon Slayer Corps, but it was actually the way it looked back when the Demon Slayers were active. He looked over to the area they would normally stand, seeing everyone he saw before right in front of him, waiting for him, just like before. The atmosphere was different however, there was a sort of intensity that lingered in the air that Kaminari didn't really like. He took a deep breath before fully facing everyone and greeting them.

"Hey, I guess I survived, at least I think," Kaminari said, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"You did, and unfortunately Muzan did too," Shinobu said to him.

"Yeah... sorry... I didn't prepare for the fact that I could've run into another demon, specifically my dad ... if I should even call him that now," Kaminari said.

"I would've thrown you outta here if you didn't kill him and just let him go with any random demon but..." Sanemi started to say as he approached Kaminari. "Facing your own father, that became a demon- no an Uppermoon, that's not easy."

"You were also in a pretty vulnerable state that you were unfamiliar with, power like that could trip up your thought processes. I would know, your quirk is based on my abilities," Nezuko said. "Learning something like this at any given time isn't easy, and with the state your mind was in... it's okay not to know how to handle it and take a moment to process."

Kaminari tried to keep his composure, he really did. But they knew how to read people, they had to do it back then and they didn't have a problem with doing it now. The first person to make the walk over to hug him was none other than Tanjiro, which caught Kaminari off guard. It was a bit different since Tanjiro was a bit shorter than him and it was happening in his mindscape, but even so, Kaminari could feel the intention behind it.

"I know this isn't like one of Shinso's hugs, or even just a normal hug in general since this is happening in your mind, but I just wanted you to know you did a good job. Sure Muzan's still alive, but I know for a fact he's weakened after everything you put him through. That makes it easier for you to beat him next time, and you'll be stronger too. So don't beat yourself up so much, we're not upset about the results in any way, we're happier about the fact you made it out alive rather than you beating Muzan right now. So take this time to recover, and by recover I mean to rest and sleep to regain your strength, then get back out there and show them that you're still alive," Tanjiro said while hugging Kaminari.

Kaminari teared up, although he couldn't feel the tears flowing down his cheeks, he could feel himself crying in Tanjiro's arms. Nezuko walked over and joined the hug, everyone else giving them space to breathe. Kaminari stopped crying after a couple minutes, backing away from the hug and facing everyone. 

"Thanks, I needed that," Kaminari said.

"I know," Tanjiro said, smiling at him. "But I think the one who you need a hug from the most is gonna give you one soon, once you wake up that is."

"I think I'm gonna take a few days to sleep, after all, I got no idea what I did but it took a lot of energy to make it happen," Kaminari said.

"In a basic explanation, you unlocked your full demon form, which reflects Nezuko a lot since you're her descendant," Shinobu explained. "A transformation like that normally happens after a demon eats a good bit of humans and unlocks their Blood Demon Art, when they transform and shift their bodies it normally reflects or enhances their Blood Demon Art. Or they just transform into what they find cool either way. Anyways, you and Nezuko never ate humans, so how you unlocked your Blood Demon Arts were different than normal demons. One thing you have in common though is that you unlocked your full form when trying to save people that you guys considered close."

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