Chapter 18: The Tartarus Prisoner

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While Class 1-A was giving their status reports with All Might, Aizawa and Mic are heading out on their "urgent business".

Aizawa was in the passenger seat of Mic's car, impatiently waiting for Mic to get to their destination. "Could you go any slower?"

"Shota," Mic started, putting his hand on Aizawa's shoulder with a tense expression on his face. "Just shut up and calm down, man."

Aizawa sat quietly in the car, with a similar intense look. "When we fought at the USJ... his behavior... I didn't suspect a thing... how low will these bastards sink?"

"Personally, I'm betting that Tsukauchi and them got it all wrong," Mic said, getting more annoyed and pissed off as the conversation goes. 

Soon they arrived at their destination, Tartarus Prison. When they parked and got out of the car, they were both greeted by Detective Tsukauchi and Gran Torino. The two of them guided the pro heroes through the halls of Tartarus Prison, they explained what they needed to know.

"As the two of you know, Nomu have bioengineered bodies. They're people who've been tinkered with to withstand multiple quirks. But they're not living people. Everything from their hearts to their brains is all jumbled up. In short, Nomu... are puppets. Marionettes on strings, without wills of their own," Tsukauchi started.

"Or so we thought," Gran Torino finished.

"Listen, Gran Torino. I'm missing class to be here," Aizawa started, glaring. "Get to the point, please."

"Shota," Mic said, putting his hand on Aizawa's shoulder to try and comfort him, but it just ended up revealing how tense he is.

"We have to go through this... step-by-step. So you can handle what you're about to hear," Tsukauchi said.

"Now, this guy was central to the League. If we could get him to talk, the big boss would be ours for the taking. Too bad for us, he ain't willing to spill anything crucial," Gran Torino started. "Sure, he'll blab about crap that don't matter, but not info that could hurt the League. That's when he practically powers down, like someone's pulled his plug. Zero reaction."

"Meaning?" Mic asked, not very excited.

"It took us a good long while to realize, cuz he's so sophisticated," Gran Torino said, starting to respond to Mic's question. "But his power's an artificial one, from the fusion of multiple quirk factors. And the base factor used, well... you two were thick as thieves with another boy in your school days at U.A. A boy who lost his life far too soon. The base factor in this guy is a real close match... to Oboro Shirakumo's..." 

Mic's and Aizawa's faces turned from annoyance to shock mixed with pure disgust from hearing the news. 

"Oboro Shirakumo died during our work-study," Aizawa started. "The three of us were going to start an agency. It all went south right after that. He was crushed by a crumbling building... cut down far too soon. But before that... we walked the path of the hero together." 

"Mhm. In other words... Kurogiri is a Nomu... with Shirakumo's corpse at his core. Or at least, it's real likely," Gran Torino concluded.

"They called us the Three Dumbigos of Class A," Mic started saying, growing more and more irritated and angry. "I DON'T FREAKIN' GET IT! WHY?" 

"We tried to get a straight answer out of All For One but..." Gran Torino started.

"Superior quirks tend to end up clustered at U.A., so it's perfectly rational, yes?"

"He said it was like dumpster-diving outside a three-star restaurant," Gran Torino continued. "He probably swapped out the body before it got cremated and turned it into one of his insane toys. One of the Nomu. So don't go looking for any meaning in any of it, DJ," Gran Torino said, trying to talk some sense into Mic. "It's nothing but pure evil."

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