Chapter 63: The Butterfly Estate

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"I'm so glad that this place is right in between Yushiro's place and Sendai," Kaminari muttered under his breath.

Kaminari walked into the traditional and worn-down mansion that was known as the Butterfly Estate. He walked through the long halls as the rotted wooden floors creaked under his feet. Kaminari kept turning his head around, trying to see any places that were familiar to Zenitsu that could lead him to Shinobu's old lab.

"I'm glad too, now you can get my research and make the antidote to save your father," Shinobu cheerfully said.

"Yeah, and maybe another thing," Kaminari said quietly.

"Like what?"

"Well, you killed demons by poisoning them didn't you?" Kaminari asked.

"I did... but they didn't work on Uppermoons," Shinobu answered. "Why?"

"I don't really have the time to deal with all the lower-ranked demons anymore, I have to train to make sure I can match Muzan the next time we meet," Kaminari answered.

"So what's your plan for my poison then?"


Kaminari stopped talking when he heard more creaking close by. He listened carefully to try and identify who they were, to which he could tell they weren't a threat. He decided to slowly walk up to where he heard the shuffling, being as quiet as possible so he doesn't alert the person inside. Kaminari found himself in Shinobu's old lab, with tons of tables covered in old glass beakers covered in dust and cobwebs. Some of the glass was cracked, some melted, some was straight-up shattered, and some with mold from the liquid being left untouched for centuries.

"Man, those with Asthma or mold allergies would hate it here," Kaminari thought.

A/N: Not me being allergic to mold 💀

Kaminari noticed fingerprints on the dusty table in the middle, indicating that someone had touched it recently. Kaminari looked around the large room, trying to find whoever was crazy enough to try and explore a place like this. He saw a shorter and less muscular version of Inosuke standing at the other end of the room, though it was obvious it wasn't him as his hair was solid black instead of fading to blue, resembling Aoi in that way. He just wore some casual sweatpants with a loose shirt under his jacket, looking like he was just walking around and looking through the crumpled and disintegrating papers left behind. He turned toward Kaminari, not knowing that he walked into the room, and froze when he spotted the teen, obviously surprised to see him there.

"Umm... hi? Who are you?" 

"I was gonna ask you the same thing," Kaminari said. "What are you doing here?"

"I could say the same for you. This place seems to be completely abandoned for years with the infrastructure being rotted out and unstable, not exactly a place for kids to be roaming and exploring."

"It's been abandoned and left alone for centuries actually, and this particular area was meant to be hidden away from people, hell it's not even mentioned on any record that this place existed. The only way for anyone to find this place is if they came here for something and ended up finding this," Kaminari said. 

"And you know this because?"

"I have ancestors who visited here way back then, they documented it and I decided to visit every so often myself," Kaminari said, deciding that this guy didn't need to really learn the truth. "What about you? You're clearly not here for a similar reason."

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