Chapter 64: The Final Act Begins

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"Should I text Midoriya that we're on our way back?" Kaminari asked himself.

"Well, if you two wanna coordinate patrols together it's probably a good idea," Tanjiro said.

"But at the same time, the two of you want to keep off the radar as much as possible," Tomioka added. "I wouldn't tell him anything until we get to Yushiro's place, and even then just say that you're in the area again, not stating where you are exactly."

"Yeah, that's probably the best idea," Kaminari thought. 

Kaminari walked up to the location Yushiro gave him, but it was just an entrance to a large forest. This weirded Kaminari out, as he knew Yushiro was smart and wouldn't give him the wrong address. He also thought the woods in front of him felt off, as he just ran through another forest a while ago and usually he'd run into a town, city, or some sort of civilization once he got into a clearing, yet he hasn't yet. 

"Is it just me, or does something about this forest feel... off?" Kaminari thought.

"Probably not, it's most likely Yushiro's Blood Demon Art, he's able to do a lot with the paper talismans he creates," Tanjiro said. "He's possibly using a few of them to conceal his place here, it's probably why All For One believes Yushiro is dead."

"That... makes sense," Kaminari said, looking at Zenitsu's memories and seeing him use Yushiro's paper talismans to hide their presence from the Demon King centuries ago. "Should I text him to tell him that I'm here already?"

"No need, Yushiro will probably greet you in 3... 2... 1..."

As soon as Tanjiro finished counting down, Kaminari heard the sound of a door slamming open in the forest in front of him. Kaminari looked over to the side and soon saw Yushiro stomping over to him, wearing an annoyed expression when he got in his face. 

"TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH JUST TO GET A DAMN SWORD AND TAMAYO'S COMBINED RESEARCH FROM THE DEMON SLAYER CORPS! YOU USED UP AN ENTIRE WEEK FOR THAT SHIT!" Yushiro shouted out, clearly losing his patience in waiting to get started on their plans.

"Well, it's not easy finding a Nichiren Sword nowadays, the only one I could think of was from my family all the way in Sendai over in the Miyagi Prefecture, which was a three-day trip alone," Kaminari argued. "Coming back and going over to the Butterfly Estate was another day and a half, and now I'm here. At least this took only a week and I'm back with research for you AND a blood sample from Upper Five. I'd say that's pretty good."

"Oh yeah, you went and fought Upper Five... WITHOUT A DAMN SWORD?!" Yushiro said, continuing to shout at Kaminari.

"I have a demon quirk, I wouldn't have been killed and would've outlasted him when the sun came up," Kaminari said. "Plus, it's a sample you could use, you got a head start on it since I got it a few days ago."

"I don't care! You're still a human so you still have limits!" Yushiro stated. "Did you at least get a decent sword from your family? Like Zenitsu's old sword?"

"Nope, even better," Kaminari said. "I got Tanjiro's old sword instead."

"How did you pull that off?" 

"A lot of explaining and the use of two quirks that can see the future," Kaminari explained. 

"Not surprising," Yushiro grumbled. "Anyways, let's get it to Yoriichi so he can work on restoring it. When he's done with that, you two can get training and slay all the demons out there and get the last two samples for me so I can create the antidote for your dad."

"Got it, so what am I supposed to do now?" Kaminari asked.

"Contact your friend and start coordinating your patrols so you're ready to get right out there when Yoriichi finishes your sword," Yushiro said. "Other than that, rest. That's how your quirk recharges, and considering you've been using your quirk on and off for about a week without too much of a break, you need it. Recover while Yoriichi's restoring your new sword, that way you can give both training and patrols everything you got. Don't be stupid, now's not the time for that."

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