Chapter 9: A Talk with Hawks

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At Endeavor's agency's gym, the four students along with Endeavor and Burnin, were there talking about what the students plan to achieve with their quirks. Midoriya ends up rambling on about how he wants Blackwhip and Air Force to be able to be used at maximum capacity without it going wild or hurting himself. Everyone got lost in Midoriya's ramble, but surprisingly Endeavor understood all of it. Endeavor then told Midoriya to focus on his strengths within those powers and master them before he can go onto anything more complicated. He then asked what Bakugou wanted to do, and he answered to simply find out what he lacks because he already has great control over his quirk. The Endeavor turned to Kaminari.

"What about you? What do you want to achieve with your quirk?" Endeavor asked Kaminari.

"I have my ways to control my quirk, my sword helps me out with that. But, there's a couple of attacks that are so powerful that if I use them more than a couple of times, I'll be rendered useless and will just get in the way. I want to be able to use those moves and their power to their fullest extent without becoming a liability in the end," Kaminari stated.

"What attacks are those? Because if I remember at the Sports Festival you can reach your limit quite quickly," Endeavor pointed out.

"Yeah, but that was all the way back at the Sports Festival, I have a new limit and a new way to control my quirk so I don't reach my limit so quickly. But the limit I talking about with these attacks aren't limits of my quirk, it's my body's limit. If I use these attacks too much, my body will give out due to muscle fatigue and exhaustion. And I want to be able to break those limits so I can use those attacks without having to worry about my limit constantly."

Endeavor thought for a moment. "Is these attacks related to the way you predicted the movements of the villain just a while ago?"

"Predicted attacks?! He can do that?"

"I didn't predict his attacks, I overheard him talking about his plan right when we got off the bus."

Everyone was shocked, even Midoriya, who knows that Kaminari's hearing is off the charts.

"You could hear that all the way from the bus stop?" Endeavor asked.

"Yeah, and more too, I heard his subordinate's movements from the corner of the alleyway we chased him through. That's why I jumped in front of you, because I knew they were going to attack once they caught sight of us. And if you're wondering how I'm able to hear all this, I have an extremely heightened sense of hearing, I can hear how people breathe, their heartbeats, even the way their blood circulates. They call make vibrations that I can hear without much of any problems."

Everyone was silent after that, no one knew what to say, after all, it's not every day you come across someone who can hear so well. Finally, after a while, Endeavor speaks up.

"Can you show me the attacks that exhaust your body after using them?" Endeavor asked.

Kaminari hesitates for a bit, he knows how destructive both attacks can be. But at the same time, he has the chance to show them to the number 1 hero, how could he pass this up? "What's the biggest and most durable practice dummy you got?" Kaminari asked Endeavor.

"You sure you're ready for that?" Endeavor asked.

"Depends, is it harder than a big boulder?" Kaminari asked.

"Just about, if not tougher." Endeavor answered.

"Then yes, I should be good."

Endeavor and Burnin exchange glances before Endeavor nodded his head and Burnin got out the practice dummy. The practice dummy was as big as Endeavor and probably made out of a certain type of seriously durable wood. Kaminari gets a fair distance away from the boulder and puts his left leg back.

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