Chapter 24: The First Worldwide Assault

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"Sooo these are our stealth outfits?" Kaminari asked, his voice hinting that he wasn't very impressed.

"They look so cool! Thanks for these Endeavor!" Midoriya said.

"It's important that a hero can do his job properly, even if the costume isn't in need of repair or replacement, if you feel it's not suited for the job don't hesitate to try and see if you can make improvements," Endeavor told the four of them.

They all took in their new stealth outfits, each with different responses, Kaminari overall loved it... until it came with its own sword.

"Uhhh another sword?" Kaminari asked.

"I tried to tell them to find a different material if they couldn't find the metal yours is made out of," Endeavor said.

"Oh no, that's totally fine... but uh... did they bother looking at the measurements my sword is at?" Kaminari asked.

"Why are you complaining Dunce Face?" Bakugo told Kaminari.

"Well, a sword is supposed to be a swordsman's most trusted weapon, sure the numbers of what we want change from person to person, but that's because we're not all the same," Kaminari said.

"Is there anything wrong?" Todoroki asked.

Kaminari raised an eyebrow and grabbed his usual sword and took it out of its sheath along with the one that came with the stealth outfit. He then showed the difference between the two, other  than the metal, by putting them side by side.

Everyone looked at it and saw why Kaminari wasn't that happy.

"Who made that sword?! It looks pathetic next to the one Dunce Face uses on the daily!" Bakugo shouted out.

"For once I'm actually agreeing with you Bakugo, I have a feeling this sword won't even be able to stand up against Thunder Breathing's first form," Kaminari said.

The sword in question was good 10 cm shorter than his normal Nichren Sword, was much thinner on the spine and edge, and it was missing a whole third of its width.

"Now if it can hold up I'll be impressed, but even then the dimensions and everything should've been in the instructions or blueprints of my regular hero costume right?" Kaminari asked.

"I would say so, because they got my gloves right, and they seem to have gotten you wrist cannon right too," Midoriya said, confused about why the sword was so off.

Endeavor was at a loss for words when he saw the differences between the two swords. He knew Kaminari trusted his normal sword with everything and does a lot of crazy things with it. But the sword that he ordered with his new costume... he was not amused. 

Kaminari looked at the sword a little closer, seeing if there was some miracle that he would actually be able to use it with his stealth costume. He then compared the weight to his normal sword... "I appreciate the fact that he tried to make the sword lighter, but there are better ways to do it without butchering the overall look and integrity of the sword."

"Huh?! He tried to make it lighter?! That's why it's so messed up?" Bakugo asked.

"I'm assuming? Here, feel the weight difference and tell me what you think," Kaminari said, handing both the swords to Bakugo.

Bakugo grabbed both the sword Kaminari handed to him and instantly felt the difference between them. "Hah?! Why change the weight this much when you're already used to the weight of the sword you normally use?!"

"Is it that big of a difference?" Todoroki asked.

"At the moment, not too big, but in battle... yeah, it's a problem," Kaminari answered.

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