Chapter 37: Upper Four: Junichiro

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"Upper Four is named Junichiro huh?" Bakugo said.

"Sounds... kinda ordinary not gonna lie," Kaminari said.

"Well, he is kinda plain, just a normal demon who's just stronger than the others, boring," Bakugo told him.

"Maybe he was just able to eat a lot of people which gave him a lot of power and strength?" Midoriya questioned.

"I think that might be it, Upper Four was the one Uppermoon that's been sighted the most and has been the one who's been on a bunch of casualty reports," All Might said.

"His Blood Demon Art isn't really impressive either, it's just called Blood Defect, whatever that means," Bakugo said.

"Shouldn't the description of it be written there?" Kaminari said, looking over at the notebook.

"I haven't been able to narrow down exactly what it could be, all I could come up with is that he can change the effect his blood has on other people based on something. That something is the one thing I wasn't able to narrow down with this demon," All Might said.

"So I just have to make sure I don't get hit with his attacks so I don't have to find out what kind of effect it has on me?" Kaminari wondered.

"That's probably the best idea," Midoriya said.

"Or maybe just don't fight him!" Bakugo shouted out.

"I'm gonna have to at some point," Kaminari said.

"He's got a point Kacchan," Midoriya said, grabbing the notebook before Bakugo blew up the notebook. He looked at the data All Might wrote down in the notebook, reading off the description of Upper Four. "His name is Junichiro, he seems to have jet-black hair... besides his eyes, that's about it for his face since he apparently since he wears a black mask covering his nose, mouth, and neck. He wears a black shirt and pants, but also purple wrappings across his chest, arms, and waist, and a black and purple hood as well. On top of his head, he has four horns, two are smaller and faces backward while the other two curls up a bit and have a purple tint to them. And of course, his eyes are super red with the kanji that says "Upper Four" in his pupils. Seems to be kinda creepy but at the same time sounds like the basic description of a villain, with the exception of the "Upper Four" written in his eyes."

"He's an Uppermoon, even if he sounds like a basic villain we can't underestimate him," All Might told them.

"Yeah yeah, 'cause for all we know if his opponent has his blood on them he can control whatever they do,"  Bakugo said, sounding a bit sarcastic.

"Hopefully he can't do anything like that," Kaminari said, leaning back on the couch they were sitting on.

"Bring it on, Junichiro..." Kaminari told him, gripping his sword.

"So, you know my name?"

"So, you know my name?"

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