Chapter 67: Haibori Woods

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"And why can I not join you guys in Haibori Woods?" Kaminari asked, not exactly happy with their current plans.

"We haven't solidified anything, but we're not sure if bringing you along would be a good idea," Endeavor responded.

"The same argument could be used for Midoriya, yet because All For One is probably gonna be involved you don't have much of a choice but to bring him," Kaminari said. "You do know there's a good chance Kibutsuji or at least an Uppermoon will be there, right? The poison I gave you guys won't do much to them, I'm the only one that can fight them."

"That's why I want you there, a couple of the others aren't so keen on it since they don't think your sword skills are necessary for this," Endeavor said.

"But I'm more than just my sword, you know, I have my quirk that basically makes me immortal," Kaminari pointed out. "And, I have my hearing, which I can use to find anything inside. You haven't forgotten why you put me on the "search team" when we went to Otheon, have you?"

Endeavor went quiet for a minute while he thought about it, realizing he forgot about a crucial part of Kaminari's skill set. "No, I haven't, but I think the others have."

"Sure, and your pulse and breath rate didn't just spike right after I mentioned that," Kaminari stated.

"I'm gonna go tell them you're joining us," Endeavor said as he walked to the conference room where the other heroes were.

Kaminari sighed, glad that his mentor was gonna stick up for him, but at the same time wished he would be able to drop his pride a little more often.

"What are you doing here Kaminari?"

Kaminari turned toward the new person, seeing Midoriya with his torn-up and ragged hero costume on. "Hey, just trying to convince the other heroes to let me join the team going to Haibori Woods."

"Why do you wanna come? It's gonna be dangerous, I don't want you getting hurt," Midoriya said.

"I could say the same for you, but you need to be here so you can face All For One," Kaminari said. "The same could be said about me if you consider that Muzan or an Uppermoon could be there too. If I'm not there, everyone's screwed, even you."

"I guess that's true," Midoriya relented.

"Also, I still have my super awesome hearing, so I can locate any secret stuff that could be useful to us there," Kaminari said.

"Oh yeah... kinda forgot about that... you know, because you can do a lot more than just hear," Midoriya said, trying not to be offensive.

"Don't worry about it, Endeavor also forgot. Which is kinda funny since he put me on the "search team" back in Otheon because of my hearing. Yet somehow that skill slipped his mind," Kaminari said.

"That makes me feel a little bit better," Midoriya said.

"Anyways... how's Nagant?" Kaminari asked.

"Surprisingly stable, even the doctors have no clue how she's still alive," Midoriya answered.

"The power that comes from a strong will can defy a lot of things, even supposed death," Kaminari said.

"Yeah, that's true..." Midoriya agreed.

The two stood in silence as the muffled conversation between the heroes was going on in the other room. Kaminari can pick out what they were saying, though he wasn't really paying much attention to them, keeping his eyes and ears on Midoriya.

"How are you after the fight? You got kinda roughed up from her bullets," Kaminari asked.

"I'm fine, the most her bullets did was graze me or hit non-vital spots, so they healed up pretty quick," Midoriya responded. "How about you after your fight with Upper One? I know you can regenerate, but were you tired out from the fight at all?"

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