Chapter 38: Debrief

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Kaminari got back to UA, looking up at the dormitories for Class 1-C.

"Should I...?"

"Dude, you saved his mom, and you promised to get back to him about her when you could," Uzui told him. 

"Yeah but... isn't it kinda creepy to just approach his window and say "hey so, your mom's not dead, she was just attacked by Upper 4 but don't worry I saved her!"... like seriously," Kaminari said.

"Uhm... YES, YOU DUMBASS!!!" Sanemi shouted out in Kaminari's mind.

Kaminari flinched, rubbing his temples from the headache Sanemi caused. "Sanemi, can you please not scream in my head? I rather not deal with a headache right now."

"Tch... whatever, just go tell him!" Sanemi told him.

"Fine fine," Kaminari muttered, walking up to the back of building, looking up at the balconies above him. He listened for the sound of Shinso, whether that just be his breathing or his pulse, he found both, along with footsteps pacing around the room as well. Kaminari could tell Shinso had been up and pacing around the whole night, he couldn't tell how long though. He decided to jump up to the balcony of Shinso's dorm, using the other balconies around to get up there. Once he got to Shinso's balcony, Kaminari stood there, mentally debating whether or not he should knock on the window. 

Well, he didn't need to think about that.

"Kaminari? What are you doing out here on my balcony?" 

Kaminari snapped out of his thoughts, seeing Shinso looking at him, his balcony window open. He saw Shinso's disheveled appearance, which was relatively normal, though it looked more crazy than normal, hinting that he hasn't been feeling easy the whole night.

"Hey Shinso, I just wanted to check on you..."

"You should've texted me you were heading over to my dorm, I would've been able to get you inside sooner," Shinso said, moving aside so Kaminari could walk into his dorm. "Get in."

Kaminari walked in, not exactly making eye contact with Shinso. "Thanks, sorry, I probably would've if I knew you were still up. I didn't think you were staying up this late so I didn't bother asking."

"You think I'm going to sit and sleep when my mom could possibly be dead and I wouldn't even know?!" Shinso told him.

"Good point," Kaminari said, standing in the middle of the room, waiting for Shinso to close the window so they could talk.

Once Shinso closed the window, he turned to Kaminari and walked up to him, looking at him with a concerned expression. "So... did you find my mom?"

Kaminari looked away, not sure how Shinso would react to his mom being hospitalized and fighting for her life. "I did."

Shinso noticed how Kaminari wasn't making eye contact, which made him worry about what he saw. "What happened? Is my mom okay?"

Kaminari pressed his lips together in a straight line, nervous to tell him what happened during that fight. "I don't know... I swear I tried everything to make sure she was okay... I'm sorry-"

Before Kaminari could continue to ramble on and spiral, Shinso practically ran over to Kaminari and hugged him tight, making Kaminari stop talking. "Hey, whatever happened there, I know you, I know you try your hardest when it comes to saving people. Knowing that, whatever happened to my mom, I know you tried your hardest to make sure she came out alive and well. So please, tell me what happened to my mom, I promise I won't blame you for whatever happened there. Just please... tell me what happened..."

Kaminari could hear the truth in Shinso's words, along with the desperation in his voice from wanting to hear about what happened to his mom. Kaminari nodded, letting go of the hug and walking over to the side of Shinso's bed, sitting down and getting comfortable. "So... I looked for her at your house first, just to see if she just got home and hasn't gotten back to you yet." 

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