Chapter 60: Upper Five: Hydra

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"Dammit, what time is it?" Kaminari said to himself.

"Just past 5:30, why?"

Kaminari turned toward the civilian, who was pretty short so he assumed he was a teenager like him. "These guys are practically immortal, the only way to beat them is to kill them and leave them in the light of the sun."

"B-But sunrise isn't for another two hours."

"I know, but I've fought stronger opponents for longer," Kaminari confidently said.

Truth be told, even Kaminari was doubtful of himself, sure he faced Muzan for 10 hours straight, but he had his sword to weaken him constantly and didn't need to rely on his quirk till the last moments. Now he only has his quirk to fight this one, not his sword, meaning this fight could go horribly really fast. He remembered how he kicked Muzan around the battlefield like a ragdoll back when he was in his demon form, but he didn't know how to activate it on command. Hell for all he knew he would also go crazy, he had no idea how he was supposed to maintain control, he has no idea how he regained it in the first place.

Kaminari took a deep breath, trying to compose himself and find a way to keep the beast until dawn. He looked up at the three-headed demon, seeing the words "Upper Five" stare into his eyes, as if he was trying to intimidate Kaminari just by glaring. When their eyes met, Kaminari felt something snap in him, it was a familiar feeling, one that he welcomed as he needed it at that moment. The small and black lightning bolts spread throughout his body, flowing through his hands and fingers, and coloring his nails black. His eyes turned gold as his pupils formed into slits and small bolts formed around them. One has little bolts randomly appearing around his eye, and the other eye has a bigger bolt going straight through it. His teeth grew sharper, turning into fangs as his nails grew claws. Lastly, the black bolt on his hair became darker, thicker, and longer than it was before as a dark golden horn appeared at the top of his head.

"Well then," Kaminari growled, his voice getting deeper from his transformation. "Let's get this party started."


"Upper Five, Hydra," Bakugo said, looking through the notebook. "Isn't that the name of a mythical creature or something?"

"I think so? Sounds familiar," Kaminari said.

"It is, it's a mythical sea monster in Greek Mythology that has multiple heads," Midoriya said. "It was known as a monster because, well one it had multiple heads, and two when you cut off one of its heads, two more grow out of it."

"So it's an immortal creature even without being a demon," Bakugo grumbled. 

"Aside from that, its Blood Demon Art seems to be similar to a Hydra itself," All Might added. "It's reported that he has two heads, but whether or not they can regrow even after being cut off is a good question."

"Specifically if I can cut its head off properly," Kaminari said.

"Maybe you just need to cut them all off at once?" Midoriya guessed.

"And what if you're wrong? Then you'd have to face four creepy heads at once dumbass," Bakugo said. 


"What other option do we have?" Kaminari asked.

"No idea," All Might casually said.

"That definitely helps, thanks," Kaminari said with obvious sarcasm in his voice.

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