Chapter 57: The Mysterious Duo

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"It's been three days since we first visited and it seems he's still asleep."

"Well, if I remember correctly his quirk is based on Nezuko's abilities when she was a demon, so I'm guessing he's sleeping to recover energy?"

"Yeah, he does," Shinso answered. "Because it allowed Nezuko to last without food and water of any sort really, I'm thinking that if Kaminari sleeps enough he'd be able to last without it for some time too. I doubt for long though, maybe for a day or two, if even that, I don't know, just a theory."

"Do you think he'd actually sleep enough to try your theory out?" 

"Doubt it, especially when he hears about everything that's been happening," Shinso said.

"The chaos would normally fizzle out within time, but with something of this scale, it's not surprising that everything is just falling apart."

"That press conference could've gone better, but as my friend said, there really isn't a way to speak the truth without people practically rioting."

"Even so, what the heroes are doing is both risky and smart. Smart because they can watch all the citizens with the small numbers they have now. Risky because if one of them gets attacked then all their possible targets are in one place, hindering the heroes from going all out in each fight."

"And then their cover-up for "One For All"..."

"Stupid, I can't believe they thought they wouldn't be questioned about it if they just kept replying "I don't know" constantly. Idiots."

"It got the job done, for now at least," Shinso said. "They eventually gave up asking, but I doubt that means they're gonna stop asking for good."

"Also, why did you call me your friend?"

"Aren't we now? We've been working together for a few years now, I think we can consider ourselves friends."

"You didn't ask me whether or not I consider you a friend!"

"Would you quiet down? We're still in a hospital you know," Shinso said, trying to keep the room quiet so Kaminari could continue to sleep.

Seeing the two other people in the room bicker, ignoring Shinso's warning, Shinso stared at them in annoyance. Why did he keep letting them visit and cover for them constantly? He was reminded of why the three of them were in that room in particular when he felt the hand under his twitch. When Shinso felt it he turned to the bed and saw what he's been waiting to see for the past 5 days. The hand under him gripped him tighter as the eyes of the one on the bed started to flutter open, revealing the dark yellow eyes that Shinso missed seeing. 

Kaminari looked over to the person who had their hand over his, seeing the crazy indigo hair that he poured his heart out to before facing Muzan. Although his eyes felt a bit heavy, he kept them open and stared at Shinso, giving him a smile that he was okay.

"Morning, glad that you're the first thing I see when I wake up," Kaminari said.

Shinso didn't bother trying to play off that the comment didn't bother him, his cheeks dusted with slight pink and he looked away from Kaminari's face. "Shut up."

Kaminari was confused at Shinso's reaction, not sure about what he said that could make him react that way.

"What did I say?" Kaminari thought.

"So you're gonna forget that you two poured your feelings out and that you just flirted with him?" Uzui asked.

"Wait... I DIDN'T REALIZE! I DID THAT?!" Kaminari thought, now starting to blush as he sat up from his bed.

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