Chapter Seventeen

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Author's Note: Check out that amazayn pic of Fluffy on the side!  He takes after Louis a little too much, I'm afraid . . . . ;D  Haha.  And no, that picture is totally not a photo-edited pic that I found on the internet.  Defintely not. ;)



Chapter Seventeen

Wow.  Louis didn’t like me . . . did he?

Nah, impossible.  Right?

“Ahem,” Louis coughed, “um . . . while you two enjoy yourselves, I’m going to go find us some more squirrels to eat.  As Niall would have said, we can’t continue our search for the other’s on an empty stomach.”

“I’ll come with you,” I offered.  I pulled away from Harry's embrace, because from the way Louis was looking at us, I was starting to feel awkward.  “I could help you catch some more squirrels.”

Louis seemed a little relieved at my offer.  “Sure.  It’d be nice to have some help.”

Samacha strode over to us confidently in a bikini top and shorts.  “Well, while you two are slaving away to feed us, I’ll catch up on some much needed tanning time.”

“Samacha,” I said in annoyance, “we’re in Switzerland, not a tropical paradise.  You’ll freeze if you try to tan in a bikini out here.”

“No!” Harry yelled.  “She has every right to tan out here in a bikini.  Go for it girl!”

“On second thought, I think I’ll forget the tanning idea,” Samacha said, gazing at Harry with disgust in her blue eyes.  I guess she forgot that Harry was still here, and he’d definitely stay in camp if she’d be lying around in a bikini.

"Well, you two enjoy yourselves," Louis announced, grinning at Harry and Samacha.  He knew that Samacha would be in for a long couple of hours with Harry to bother her.  Harry was obviously not going to quit creeping on her anytime soon.  "Now, if you two happen to need Sienna or me then, well, just shout."

Samacha started to protest.  "Louis, Sienna, please don't leave me with this monster!"

"Now Sienna, there's no monster here.  We got rid of Ben a while ago," Louis explained.  "Harry is simply fancied by you.  Big difference."

"I do not fancy Samacha!" argued Harry.

All three of us, including Samacha, looked at Harry with raised eyebrows.

"Is it really that obvious?" he grumbled.

"Yes, Harry, yes it is," I replied for Louis and Samacha.

Louis looked at me and beckoned with his hand for me to follow him.

"Well, you two have fun!" he cheered as we made our way into the forest.

"Don't leave me with Harry!" Samacha begged after us.

But we ignored her.  I mean, we needed to eat.  Samacha needed to realize that sure, Harry was annoying, but he wasn't half as bad as Ben.

Louis and I trekked about ten minutes further into the wilderness.  We didn't talk much, but the silence between us wasn't awkward.  I don't really know how to explain it.  I just felt . . . comfortable.  It felt like we had known each other so long that we didn't need to speak constantly to get along.  It almost felt weird that I had only known Louis for a couple days.

The first thing Louis really said to me in the woods was, "This spot should do."  We had just stopped in the middle of the wilderness, in an area with lots of trees.  I'm guessing this must be a pretty good area to find squirrels.

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