Chapter Thirty-Nine Part One

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A/N: This chapter was super long so I split it into two parts.  You guys get two chapters at once!  Please send me virtual hugs!  Haha.


Chapter Thirty-Nine  Part One

I finally understood.  Everything finally made sense.  But it only made me realize something.  I had been such a baby.  Louis was depressed over losing his own child, and I had been harassing everyone to get him to pay attention to me.  I don't know how he can even look at me.

"L-Louis . . . what are you talking about?" stammered Zayn.  I glanced at him and watched him readjust his sitting position.  Like me, he must have finally realized that this was a serious matter.  Louis wasn't crying over Carrot's "beautiful face" or Ben's annoying fangirly nature.  "You never told us about this before!"

Louis brushed away some of his fresh tears and looked in the other direction, anywhere from Zayn's fierce gaze.  "Eleanor begged that I keep it a secret from everyone.  She wanted some time to process the news herself."

"Did you tell Harry?" Zayn asked.

Louis couldn't seem to look Zayn in the eyes.  He didn't answer, and that seemed to be enough for Zayn.  Zayn stood up and stormed past Louis.

"Of course you told Harry but not the rest of us," Zayn muttered.  "I thought we were all close, Louis.  You could trust every single one of us with your life."

We all watched Zayn stomp across camp and over to our food supply.  He bended over and snatched a box of our delicious Frosted Flakes.  He turned around and shook it tauntingly in the air at us.  "Are ya'll hungry?"  He turned around and shook his butt at us like a toddler, or Miley Cyrus at the VMA's.  Either option was just as disturbing.

"Did he just speak in a southern accent?" whispered Samacha in my ear.  "I'm the southern one, and I don't even talk like that.  Maybe I should shake things up and speak like my people.  Ha, did ya catch my Disney channel reference?"

I turned my head to look at Samacha better, and I just shook my head in disappointment.  I patted her shoulder like a good friend should when one of their supposed BFF's makes a complete fool of herself.  "Samacha, stick to being sarcastic and nasty.  Humor isn't your thing."

Samacha pouted and me and folded her arms over her dirty blue Hollister sweatshirt.  "You're such a meanie, Sienna.  You need to see a personality therapist and turn yourself into a half-decent human being."

"I don't know if you're trying to be rude or funny, but I'll just pretend you were being a brat," I concluded.

She only rolled her eyes and looked back at Zayn.  I did the same, only to wish I had never even been gifted with the ability of sight.  Right as I looked back at him, Zayn pulled down his pants and mooned us.  He opened the box of cereal and started to pour its contents into his underwear.

"Ha ha ha!  I'm the Cerealman!  Fear my deliciousness!"  He pulled off his black sweater and tied it around his neck.  His arm shot out into the air and he ran around in circles, continuing to pour Frosted Flakes down his pants.

"I'm starting to think Louis is the least of our problems," Samacha muttered.

At the mention of Louis's name, my eyes flickered to him.  Louis stood motionless a few feet ahead of me.  Like me, Samacha, Ben, and Liam, he watched Zayn and his mental breakdown unfold like it was cable TV.  The only difference between him and the rest of us was the glossy look in his eyes.  While the rest of us were thoroughly enjoying Zayn's freak-out, he didn't look interested in the slightest.

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