Chapter Thirty-One

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A/N: Check out the song on the side!  It's Don't Let Me Go by Harry Styles, a song I'm sure all of you Directioners have heard by now.  I listened to it while I wrote this chapter, and I felt like it fit the chapter in a way.  There's a lot of emotion in the song, and for once you get to see Harry being more emotional in this chapter.  Oh, and the lyrics in the video are Spanish, so sorry about that.  It seems like most of the videos of Don't Let Me Go are being deleted, and that was one of the few left.  So . . . de nada, amigos!



Chapter Thirty-One

All I could do was shift my gaze to Louis, who was staring after Harry with a shocked expression on his face.  I couldn't blame him.  I was almost as surprised by Harry's outburst as him.  But there was a difference between both of our reactions.  Louis was just plain stunned, while I was more confused.  Something secretive was going on here.  I may not be a detective, but I was determined to unravel all of the undercover details.

Ben and I glanced at each other.  He looked just as dazed as me.

"Ben, I'll be right back," I whispered into his ear.  "Stay put."

I didn't have to tell him twice.  He barely even nodded.  After that little soap opera scene, he was clearly still processing what had just happened.  Heck, even I was.  I knew I'd be over evaluating the past few minutes for days to come.  I was a girl, okay.  We tend to do things like that.

After patting Ben's hand, trying my best to be comforting - even if it did gross me out - I stood up and cautiously walked up to Louis.  He was still frozen in place, staring off in the distance where Harry had disappeared.

"Louis?" I said, although I knew afterwards that I sounded more like I was asking him a question.

Louis sighed.  "Not right now, Sienna."

"Yes, right now!" I argued.  "Don't ignore me."

But instead of turning around and facing me, Louis shook his head and walked away.  He turned to the left, heading in a different direction from Harry.  He wanted to be alone too, apparently.

"Louis!" I shouted.  "Don't walk away from me!"

He didn't even falter.  He didn't even stop - not even for a millisecond.  He marched on forward, disappearing into the trees.

I knew right then and there that he was ignoring me.  Now it was plain obvious.  I knew I wasn't imagining things.  Everything I had previously been assuming was correct.  He was avoiding me.  He didn't want to talk to me.


I was going to figure it out.

Maybe Harry would actually listen to me.

I stepped forward and headed after Harry.  But then I remembered Ben.  I glanced over my shoulder at him and sighed.  "Ben, I really need to find Harry.  He's upset, and I need to talk to him.  Will you be all right by yourself for a few minutes?"

Ben looked at me and smiled.  For once, I didn't want to gag.  He could actually smile normally - not like a teenage boy who was possessed by a demon.  If I didn't know what he was really like, I might have assumed he was a regular teenage guy.

"Sure, go ahead," Ben said, a little too eagerly.  "I promise I'll stay perfectly still!  Just please, I'm begging you, make sure my Honeybear is safe!"

"You mean Harry?" I asked, frowning at Ben.

Ben nodded urgently.  "Yes!  Who else would I be talking about?  Certainly not you!  Ew, that would be disgusting!  No offense, but you're not the prettiest gal around."  Ben made a gagging face after he finished speaking.  If any other guy had said that to me, I would have curled up in a corner with a carton of ice-cream and cried.  But from Ben, it was more like a compliment.  He doesn't find any girl attractive, anyway.

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