Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six

"Are you absolutely sure you know nothing about Louis's strange behavior?" I asked Niall.  I wanted to be sure that I hadn't missed anything.

Niall nodded.  "'Course.  Is there something serious going on with him?  I noticed he's been acting kinda odd lately, but I thought he just missed Eleanor or something."

"But they broke up two weeks ago," I brought up, hoping this was the lead Sienna needed.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean he still doesn't care about her.  When I broke up with my old girlfriend, I still cared about her," Niall explained.

I sighed and kicked at the dirt.  "Yeah, I guess you're right."

""Course I am!  I'm Niall Horan, for pete's sake."

That was true.  The great and mighty Niall Horan could never be wrong.

I knew I wasn't going to get any information out of Niall, mainly because he didn't even know anything himself.  I started to turn around to go and find Samacha and Sienna and report my epic failure at being an investigative spy, but Niall grabbed my arm and gently spun me around.

"Where are you going?" he asked, staring at me with his dazzling blue eyes.  I wanted to swim in them - that's how gorgeous and entrancing they were - but then I remembered they were only eyes, not a swimming pool.  Reality always finds a way to ruin my life.

"I have to go and find Sienna.  Samacha and I need to talk to her about . . . stuff," I explained as discreetly as possible.  I pointed over my shoulder at Samacha for proof.  Niall leaned to the side and looked at her.  His nose wrinkled up in disappointment.

"Do you have to?  I had something else in mind for us."

He always knew how to tempt me.  He was like the human version of chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream.  You just can't say no to him.  It's not possible.

"Like what?" I asked.  A smile slid across my features.  I couldn't help it.  Whenever I was around Niall, I started to grin like a freak-show.  If he wasn't saying something so stupid that it was funny, he was just being himself, and that was cute enough for me.

Niall grinned, knowing he had already won me over.  "You'll see.  Come on."

He grabbed my hand and tugged me forward.  I was about to say that I should go and tell Samacha where I was going, but when I glanced over my shoulder at her, she was busy tackling Liam like a spazz-tastic gorilla.  She even did the Tarzan howl and pounded her fists against her chest.

"Let's get outta here," I whispered to Niall.  He frowned at me, but I gestured over my shoulder to Samacha and Liam.  He looked back at them and started to laugh hysterically.

"Looks like Samacha needs meds too!" Niall exclaimed in surprise.  He continued to laugh before adding, "Apparently Ben isn't the only crazy one here.  Sometimes, I really wonder what Harry sees in that girl."

"He's Harry," I replied, giving Niall a stern look.  "No one understands him."

Niall laughed.  "True that."  He led me over to our designated sleeping area.  Multiple blankets were strewn across the ground.  Niall let go of my hand and crouched down next to one of the blankets.  His guitar was lying next to it.  He picked up his stringed instrument and the thin piece of cloth before rising to his feet.

He looked back at me and smiled.  "Follow me."  Without saying anything else, he grabbed my hand again and started to walk into the forest.  I could have died.  I was so ecstatic that I probably could have sprouted wings and flew all the way to Africa to sprinkle fairy dust over zebras and lions.

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