Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N: The video on the side ties in with the chapter later on. ;D  I'm sure you've all seen it by now, but it's the best, so I'm posting it.  I still get a good laugh out of it, and it's almost been a whole year now.  That picture of Patrick Star ties in too.  Haha.   ------------>


Chapter Twenty-Nine

The camp was quiet after Liam, Niall, and Adriana left.  Besides Ben's random moans and shrieks, it was completely silent.  Usually I would have started screaming about fluffy polar bears to break the awkward silence, but that would require talking to Louis.  I was not going to do that.  He probably still thinks I'm an awkward freak who overthinks things.  If I actually had songwriting abilities, I could definitely be Taylor Swift.  We both have some major boy issues.  No wonder Harry thinks it's a good idea to give me nicknames about her.  That boy must read minds . . . or not.  If he did, he wouldn't be letting Ben hold his hand right now.

Yes, currently, Ben was squeezing the living daylights out of Harry's hand.  They actually looked pretty awkward.  Harry had to wrap one of his arms around the tree just to reach Ben's hands, since his hands were tied together on the other side of the tree.  The idea did seem to distract Ben.  Instead of trying to break lose, he was badly humming to the tune of the wedding march song.  Ben also forced Harry to sit right next to him, so he leaned his head on Harry's poor shoulder.

If I was Harry, I'd burn that shirt.

And laugh as it burned up in flames.

That would be nice.  Extremely nice, in fact.

"T-Swizzle!  Tay-Tay, help me!" Harry shouted at me.

I shook my head to clear away my thoughts, bringing me out of my little trance.  Ben was leaning closer to Harry, his tongue hanging out of his mouth.  Just as I was expecting, Ben licked Harry's face like a slobbery dog.  A terrified, frantic look was radiating in Harry's green eyes.  I almost felt bad for him . . . almost.  When you continue to call someone "T-Swizzle", you start to not care about their tragic fate.  Maybe next time he should give me a more normal nickname, like Sie or something that's actually short for my real name.  At least whenever he said my nickname, people would just think he's saying yes over and over again in Spanish.  He'd look like a complete retard, which is a great thing.

"Nah, I think I'll sit out on this one, Flamingo," I called back smugly.  Harry looked like he wanted to murder me.  Ben was licking his forehead now.  It reminded me of Animal Planet, on those shows where a cheetah licked her baby clean.  Ben definitely acted like an animal sometimes, although he'd be the worst mother ever.

"Please, Sienna!" Harry begged.  "I'll do anything you ask!  Please!"

Hmm . . . this could be an interesting deal.

I thought for another moment, and a sly smile crept onto my face.  I had a great idea.  "One-thousand dollars."


"You heard me," I said, rolling my eyes.  "One-thousand dollars.  I want that money when we're rescued."

Harry looked like he was in pain.  "B-but, that's my money . . . ."

"Take it or leave it, man," I replied, shrugging innocently.  As I waited for his answer, I twirled a strand of my hair around my finger.  I probably looked like an idiotic teenage girl, but I really didn't care.  Harry already thought I was insane.  You couldn't get a reputation much worse than that.

Finally, Harry seemed to come to his conclusion.  "Fine.  I'll pay you that money if we're rescued.  Now help me!"

I wasted no time striding over to Harry.  As I bounded over to him, I avoided Louis's stare as I passed him.  He was being extremely quiet, which was odd for him.  Louis was never quiet.  I got the vibe that he wasn't talking because of me.  Ever since I brought up our kiss the other day, he hasn't acted the same.  I probably scared him away.  It happens a lot to me with guys, tragically.

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