Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Whoa! Those five figures aren't monkeys!

It's Niall, Liam, Zayn, Adriana, and Ben! Wait . . . they have Ben with them? Ugh, darn it.  I so thought we had gotten rid of him.

"Harry! Louis! Sienna! Samacha!" one of them shouted. After I thought about it for a second, I realized the voice belonged to Niall. It wasn't really that hard to figure out who was shouting at us, thanks to his Irish accent.

"Niall!" Louis shouted emotionally. "I've missed you!"

"Hey, what about me?" Zayn asked, pretending to pout. They just loved to mess around, didn't they?

Louis grinned at Zayn and walked over to him. He wrapped an arm around his shoulder and started to mess up his dark hair. "You too, Zayn."

Zayn twisted around Louis's arm to free himself. "Ah!  Not the hair!"

Nearby, Liam was watching the two of them with a light smile on his lips. I think he missed seeing all of his bandmates together and messing around again.

I just stood there, watching all of the boys embrace each other happily. I didn't exactly have someone to hug. I think Adriana felt the same way. She stood behind Niall and Liam, who were high fiving each other, with a small, uncomfortable smile tracing her lips. Hey, maybe niether of us have to feel so awkward.  We can hug each other to fit in with the others!

"Adriana!" I squealed, like we were BFFs. I started to jog over to her, my arms widening like I was anticipating a hug.  But a freaked out facial expression formed on Adriana's face, and I stopped running towards her.  My arms slowly dropped down to my sides.  "Oh, um . . . sorry . . . wrong Adriana."

Adriana nodded at me, but from the frown on her face, I knew she wasn't convinced. And I don't exactly blame her. Really, who says "sorry . . . wrong Adriana"? Ugh, what's wrong with me these days? Adriana probably thinks I'm a freak, and she definitely has a good reason to think that.

"Guys, look!" Ben shouted, pointing behind us towards the meadow. "It's Larr! He's coming!"

And sure enough, there was Larr, trudging towards us like a zombie. I'm not even kidding about the zombie description. His hands were held stiffly in front of him like he was a lifeless monster, and he slowly moved his feet along the ground. That old man needed major help. He must have watched Warm Bodies in theaters. Gosh, that zombie 'R' sure was hot.

"Run!" Liam shouted. The smile that had previously been on his face was gone. There were no signs on his face that hinted that he had been smiling just moments ago.  I get the feeling Larr could do that to a person. He was my worst fear right now. Psychotic, crazy old men were completely unpredictable.

I was extremely confused right now. Why was everyone so scared of an old man? Aren't old men supposed to be cheerful and sweet, and act like Santa Claus?

"Just follow us!" Niall shouted over his shoulder at Louis, Harry, Samacha, and I. "You do not want to find out who Larr is."

We all shrugged before chasing after Niall, Adriana, Liam, Zayn, and Ben, who were a good distance ahead of the rest of us. They were definitely going crazy again. I had no idea where we were going, but anywhere was better than here. Hopefully there were no psychotic old men there.

Liam was leading us away from Larr, but he kept on running in a frantic, zig-zag manner that really confused me. I'm pretty sure it'd make more sense to just run in a straight line, so people like me don't have to worry about running right into a tree and dying on the ground and stuff.

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