Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty-Three

I watched in boredom as Niall kicked a football across the clearing in Louis's direction.  When my eyes landed on Louis, I tried to force my heart to not beat ten times faster, but it didn't work.  My heart was like a freaking clock that always ticked way too fast.

Because Niall had brought back a football yesterday, the boys were all dying to play a game.  They were so serious about it that they had even developed a prize for the winners: the losers' dinner.  Of all the boys, I could tell Niall was the most determined to win.  I don't know if he was just competitive in sports or if the thought of losing his meal was too much too bear, but either option was believable to me.

They had all split up into two teams.  Harry and Louis were the captains and picked their teams, and they both seemed very spiteful and bitter when they called out the names of the people they wanted on their side.  Harry ended up choosing Niall and Zayn, while Louis picked Liam.  He got stuck with Ben.  No one wanted him.  But who could blame them?

I was lying on the outskirts of camp on a large boulder.  A huge tree was blocking the sunlight so I felt cool and relaxed.  If the boys weren't such loud football players - they were constantly cursing and yelling - I could actually take a nap.

Adriana and Samacha were sitting on the other side of the edge of camp.  They were both squealing over some nail polish Adriana had swiped from Larr.  It really gave me the creeps that Larr even had that kind of girly stuff in his home.  Apparently he didn't have any ladies in his life, so it didn't make any sense.  He actually reminds me of Ben.  If Larr hadn't tried to feed Ben to the wolves, I think they could have been best friends.

"Sienna, come join us!" called Adriana.  She was smiling at me as she beckoned me over.  "We're painting our nails!  Come on, it'll be fun!  We can all bond over nail polish!"

I'd rather bond over zebras, but tragically, there are none here.  Switzerland really needs better animal options.

"No, that's okay," I replied.  "I'd rather relax over here."

Adriana and Samacha exchanged knowing looks.  It was odd, because those two have never understood each other for a second.  Why are they starting now?

I decided to ignore them by closing my eyes and trying to sleep.  I was so worried and angry about Louis last night that I barely got more than two hours of sleep.  I kept on wondering what he was keeping from me.  It could be anything.  I know it has to be kind of serious, because Louis or Harry would have told me by now if it wasn't.  But it just didn't add up.  What could Louis be keeping from me?  Is he a serial killer?  Was his whole relationship with Eleanor made up?  That doesn't make sense either, though.  Louis already said he's still in love with Eleanor.  He wouldn't lie here.  There's no need to.  It's not like there's paparazzi around.

"Sienna," Adriana said from above me.  I opened one of my eyes and stared up at Adriana in frustration.  "Come on, Sienna.  You know you want to.  Stop being a bum and just come on."

Adriana knelt down next to me and grabbed my wrist, tugging me forward.  I pushed away Adriana with my free hand and closed my eyes again.  "I need some space to just think and sleep," I said.  "I don't want to be all girly and do my nails.  That's not really my thing."

"But you seem so upset!" she persisted.  "Let me and Samacha help.  As much as you want to deny it, we're your friends and we care about you.  Samacha would never admit it, but even she is worried about you."

I propped up my arms and leaned forward on my elbows.  One of my eyebrows quirked up.  "Really?  That just seems really unbelievable."

Adriana grabbed both of my hands and gently pulled me to my feet.  "Well, it's true, girl.  There are people here who care about you.  Lots of people."  Adriana wiggled her eyebrows at me and I smiled sheepishly.

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