Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four

"Just hold still Ben," Louis coaxed.  "It'll only hurt a whole lot."

"Mommy!" Ben yelped.  "Help me!"

"No one can help you now," Zayn said, breaking out into maniacal laughter.  "You're doomed!  This is for torturing me these past few days!"

Sienna and I exchanged anxious glances.  Samacha didn't look worried at all. In fact, she leaned back on her elbows and started to chuckle quietly to herself.  The smug smile on her face didn't help either.

It's official.  I'm friends with psychopathic freaks.  I never knew One Direction would encourage hurting a teenage boy.  I know Ben isn't your "typical" guy, but it shouldn't make a difference.

"No, no!  Not my pants!" Ben screamed.  "Harry's touched them!  I need those!  I'll never get another boy as beautiful as Harry to put his gorgeous fingers on my pants again.  Please, don't do this to me!"

I shook my head and rolled my eyes as I rose to my feet.  "Why do I always have to clean up Ben's messes?" I grumbled to myself.

"You don't have to," Samacha remarked, examining her drying fingernails.  "You choose to.  There's a big difference, girl.  If I were you, I would've left Ben days ago when he stupidly fell into that river.  It's his fault we were all separated in the first place."

I had to force myself to not mention that it was Samacha who made us leave our first camp.  If she hadn't acted like she was in charge, Ben wouldn't have been a klutz and fallen into the river.  I knew it was best not to make her angry, so I didn't bring it up.

"Samacha, do you have any siblings?" I asked.

Samacha shook her head.  "Nope, and thank goodness I don't.  I'd be in jail if I did."

"What?" Sienna shrieked.  "W-what do you mean?"

"Do I have to explain everything in detail to you, Sienna?" Samacha snapped.  

Sienna flinched back from Samacha, which was totally understandable.  Samacha is so rude and narrow-minded.

Sighing, Samacha started to explain in her own fashion, which was vague and ominous.  "Trust me, Sienna, you don't want to know.  But you can put the dots together.  If I did have a brother or sister, I'd be in jail right now, rotting away in solitary confinement."

I backed away from Samacha, raising my hands in self-preservation.  "Um . . . I'm gonna go . . . jail isn't really my cup of tea."

Louis popped out from the trees and looked around camp wildly.  "Did somebody say tea?"

I walked past him and said casually, "Nope.  You must be hearing things, Louis.  You should have Samacha check your ears.  We don't want you going deaf out here.  I haven't watched enough Switched at Birth to be fluent in sign language yet."

"Oh, don't worry about that," Louis said.  "I know sign language."  

He started to make rapid hand movements at the speed of light.  All I could do was stare at him with my mouth hanging open.  He definitely has his hidden talents.

I shook my head to clear away my amazed thoughts.  As I started to walk away to find my idiot of a brother, I called over my shoulder, "If you're the only one who actually knows sign language out here, then that ability is kind of pointless."

"Don't judge me and my great ideas," Louis mumbled in defeat.  He hung his head as he trudged back into camp.  I guess I'm the bearer of bad news now.

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