Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

"Come on then!" Liam ordered.  He started to charge into the woods in the direction Ben and Zayn had returned from.  "I'm going to sort out this issue once and for all.  Nothing scary is out in the woods.  Stop being babies."

"No!  Liam, don't go out there!" Ben screamed as he clutched his knees.  He started to rock back and forth on the ground like Zayn often does.  "It'll get you!  If you die One Direction will be destroyed!  There's no band without all of you!  I will not be responsible for the demise of my precious idols!"

Well, that was a very disturbing speech.  It probably couldn't count as a real speech though, because Ben screamed every last word of it.  I swear, I'm almost as deaf as I was after hearing Ben sing at our prom the other day.

"I'm your idol?" asked Liam, terror showing in his brown eyes.  "What a shame.  I figured it was Jenna Marbles or something."

"Her too," said Ben, a creepy enthusiastic grin bursting onto his face.  "But seriously, I'll die of horror if any One Direction member dies!  You can't go out into the woods!  If you have to make sure that the situation out there is safe, just send Adriana.  No one cares if she gets mauled to pieces."

Okay, now that's just hurtful.  I thought we were siblings here!  "That's offensive!" I exclaimed, a hurt look forming on my face.

As I stated my feelings of sadness, Ben got up from the ground and stomped over to Liam, Niall, and I.  While he charged towards us he kind of reminded me of a furious bull.

"Hey, I'd care!" protested Niall.

Well, I don't know if I should be flattered by Niall's comment, or worried that no one else here said the same.  Fine, I don't care if Liam or Zayn get mauled either - and especially not Ben.  What a pathetic excuse of a brother he is.  I could find better brother material in a chicken, and from what I've gathered chicken's are pretty dumb.  Why else would they cluck nonstop at people?  Can't they understand that we don't speak chicken and are definitely not going to gobble back?

"Thanks, Niall," I said.

"Why?!" Ben shouted at Niall angrily.  "Adriana isn't that special to have the Niall Horan care about her safety!"

I don't know why Ben is still shouting considering the fact that he's standing right next to Liam, Niall, and I now.  Zayn was curled up by the fire mumbling something along the lines of, "Mommy!  Mommy!  Save me from this creep!"

"You know what?" I asked impatiently.  "Fine.  Since Ben won't stop making a fuss about Liam going into the woods, I'll go."  Ben opened his mouth to smugly reply, but I cut in before he got the chance.  "Jeez, just shut up already Ben.  You're starting to make me wish I never saw you pretending to be unconscious on the side of the river anymore."

Ben fist pumped the air and screamed (once again), "Yes!  The future of One Direction is saved!"

Rolling my eyes, I stomped into the woods.  My brother could be so immature.

I didn't even have to walk more than a minute into the forest to know that I had arrived at Zayn and Ben's pee spot.  I know, it should be surprising that I instantly knew where they stopped at to do their business, but it actually wasn't that hard.

The small clearing I walked into had no grass, just dirt.  Etched into the ground (most likely by a random stick) was the words, This clearing is reserved for Ben and Zayn.  If you gotta go pee, go somewhere else.  The great Zayn Malik doesn't share his pee spots with anyone but the forever sexy Ben.

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