Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Oh my gosh, I thought Harry would be in this bush but he wasn't!!!" Louis screeched after checking yet another bush that he thought Harry would be hiding in for some reason. Honestly, I doubt Harry could even fit in most of the bushes Louis was looking in.

"Shut up, Louis!" I said a bit harshly. In any other circumstance, I would totally be freaking out over meeting One Direction, but at the moment I didn't care. I just wanted to get to my uncle's house in Bern.

"You shut up, Sienna! No one likes you!" Louis called back. Although I could tell he was joking, tears started to spill down my face either way. Luckily no one else was here to see me cry, just Louis. We had all split up to find Harry.

Louis noticed me crying and ran up to me, suddenly serious. "Awe, Sienna. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. It's just with Harry gone, I feel like a piece of me is missing!" He smiled sheepishly, and I couldn't help it. I laughed.

"It's okay, Louis. I've just had a rough day." I sniffed, trying to stop the tears.

"You and me both, sista!" Louis exclaimed dorkily, then he hugged me. It made me feel a lot better.

"Okay!" I said, drying my tears. "Let's go find Harry Styles!" And with newfound energy me and Louis continued our search.

* * *

Half an hour later all of us had met up by the lake again, and there was still no sign of Harry. Zayn sighed and put his head in his hands, Adriana was not her usual peppy self, Niall and Louis were leaning against each other for support, and Liam looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

At least Ben was happy, he had been staring at his newly recieved One Direction autographs with a contented grin on his face for a while now.

An awkward silence had settled over us, and I, being awesome, decided to break it.

"So, why were you guys on the plane anyway?" It might not have been the best question, the plane crash still being a tender subject, but I was curious. Especially about One Direction.

"Me and Adriana were on vacation in Britain, and we were on our way home." Ben answered glumly. "What about you?"

"On my way to visit my uncle in Bern. But that's not important." I turned my attention to the present members of 1D. "What I really want to know is why you were on the plane."

"We were playing a joke on management." Niall answered glumly. Gosh, his Irish accent was adorable! "We snuck away from them at the airport and rented out first class on the flight to Switzerland. It was really random and last minute. Hilarious at the time. Now....."

"Not so much." Louis finished for him with a tight smile."We didn't think it'd actually work. But it worked a bit too well."

"You boys!" Ben laughed, as if he could totally expect this type of behavior from them. It was creepy, how he treated them like they were old friends. "You crazy bunch!"

Liam gave him a doubtful look like, 'yeah,I'm the crazy one!' I didn't blame him. Ben seemed way less attractive when he was busy having guy crushes. What did I ever see in him?

Suddenly a strange growling noise came from the woods, followed by low moaning. Everyone tensed up, except for Louis. Naturally, he stood up and jumped to conclusions.

"It's the beast that ate Harry!" Then he ran towards the source of the noise fearlessly. Wow, he was desperate to avenge his friend. Even though I doubted he needed avenging.

"Ummmm, Lou?" I tried to reason but he ignored me, still running full speed towards the noise.

"Louis!" Liam cried out, realizing he was seriously going to assault whatever was in the bushes. "Stop!"

But it was too late. Louis did a flying leap into the trees, and I heard a grunting noise, followed by a bunch of crashing and somone saying, "Ow, Lou! Get off me!"

Then Louis screamed out with what can only be described as pure and utter joy, "Harry!!!"

Soon Harry and Louis emerged from the bushes, both covered in mud and leaves.

"Harry, where were you, and why were you making growling noises?" I asked him angrily. It was his fault I had had to put up with a lovesick Louis. Their bromance was really something.

"Oh, I was upset, I just needed some time to be alone." Harry said, smirking for some reason.

"That's code for 'I decided to go take off my clothes, because I prefer to be naked.'" Niall translated. Well, that explained the smirk.

"And the growling?" Adriana asked. As if on cue, Harry's stomach rumbled loudly.

"I'm hungry?" He offered, smiling sheepishly.

"More like stupid." Zayn said.

"But he's right." Liam sighed. "We need food, and shelter."

Ben groaned and started to pout. "But I don't wanna work!!!" Oh great, time for another one of his diva fits.

Ben stomped off to some corner to pout, and Adriana followed to talk to him. Harry and Louis started up a conversation about how nice Harry's 'naked time' had been, and Liam, Niall, and Zayn were just staring glumly into space.

That left me to sit and wonder. We may have survived the plane crash, but we wouldn't last long if we didn't start doing something. We were getting nowhere.

At this point our survival was looking like a bit of a long shot, and I didn't like it one bit.

A/N: Okay, it's Stephanie again! And this is..... well, another chapter. Not much to say I guess but PLEASE comment and vote if you liked it. Me and Leah love getting feedback. And, if you haven't noticed each chapter will be switching back and forth between Adriana's and Sienna's POVs, Leah being Adriana on the even chapters and I being Sienna on the odd ones.

Lastly, if you do leave a really nice comment or something, there's a pretty big chance that Leah and I will dedicate a chapter to you. Not trying to pressure you or anything, but yah..... Just thought I'd let you know for some 'encouragement' to comment, vote, etcetera if you liked it! ;D

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