Chapter Forty-Two

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A/N: This chapter takes place in Sienna's point of view, even though it typically would have been Adriana's.  Sorry, but I felt things would have been left unfinished otherwise.  Be healthy and eat your vegetables and enjoy!


Chapter Forty-Two

-- One Month Later --

Rain plodded against my dashboard window.  It was pouring cats and dogs.  My windshield wipers were practically working in overdrive.  Usually I hated the rain.  It meant I had to scavenge for an umbrella and brave the harsh but sadly typical England weather.

My car's GPS signaled that I had reached my destination.  I flipped on my turn signal and carefully slid into a parking space on the side of the downtown road.  The whole street was full.  I guess lots of people had the same idea as us.  I hoped the rest of the group would be able to find a place to park, but I didn't dwell on it.

I twisted around in my seat and searched for my umbrella, but it wasn’t where I had left it on the backseat.  I unbuckled my seatbelt and searched for it on the floor, but it was gone.  There was no use searching for something that was clearly missing, so I pulled my keys out from the ignition and slipped them in the pocket of my blue jacket.  After pulling up my coat’s hood, I opened my door and stepped onto the street.  Fierce wind whipped against me as I walked around my car and onto the sidewalk.  My carefully straightened black hair flew everywhere and I knew it would look like Lady GaGa had styled it in minutes.

I was right in front of the shop.  Big, loopy yellow cursive slanted across the store’s front windows, spelling out the name Bella’s.  I'd never been here before, but they insisted we all meet up at this cafe.  I didn't really have a choice, with their persuasive arguing and all.  It didn't bother me, though.  We probably won't even be here for an hour.  It wasn't like the place had to be anything special.

My fingers wrapped around the door handle and I pulled it open.  I stepped inside cautiously and closed my umbrella.  The place wasn't as crowded as I had initially expected it to be.  There were only five people here.  Four of them were couples enjoying their time together, while the other was a man sitting at a booth by himself, sipping on some coffee while reading a newspaper.  I guess everyone was flocking to a different store downtown, not this one.  I just figured all of the cars parked outside were for this cafe.  I should have thought otherwise, though.  Of course the boys would choose a low key, remote place to meet up.

They weren't here yet.  I shrugged to myself, figuring they were all just searching for a nonexistent parking space.  I slid into a booth and drummed my fingers against the cool surface.

A bubbly waitress flounced over to me.  She was awfully perky for the kind of weather going on outside.  She reminded me of Adriana in a way.  She slid a menu over to me.  "What would you like to drink?"

"Erm, just water," I finally decided.  "And I have others coming, so I'll wait to order.  We aren't getting anything big."

She nodded, smiling in understanding.  "That's fine.  I'll be right back."

She disappeared into the back of the cafe.  My eyes drifted towards the store's window, watching the rain continue to pour onto the sidewalks and the two umbrella-clad pedestrians outside.  They were crazy to be walking around in the rain, but some people thoroughly enjoyed it, I've learned.

A bell rang near the door and I looked up.  Zayn and Liam entered the building.  They rubbed their shoes on the welcome mat to dry them.  At first they looked a little unsure and confused, but they saw me waving at them and headed in my direction.

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