Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Dedication to the lovely (<--that's my attempt at sounding British-like) OneDirectioner777 for her epic-tastical serious-ish theory about  Louis's secret.


Chapter Thirty-Eight

Time seemed to freeze.  Everything around me was a blur.  I couldn’t see any of my surroundings - all I noticed was Niall.  I liked it that way.  Years ago, when I was a strange pre-teen, I remember reading in some magazine that when you’re with the guy you like, you don’t pay attention to any of your surroundings.  In a way, it’s always been true for me.  When I think back to the weird guys I used to like, I can’t remember what was going on around me while I was near them.  It was the same now, with Niall closing the gap between us.

Niall leaned towards me and softly pressed his lips against mine.  At first, the kiss was a little awkward.  I felt so much pressure kissing a world famous popstar.  He had to have had tons and tons of experience – heck, he’d probably made out with famous models and singers and actresses billions of times.  I was just a regular teenage girl from Switzerland, who had had a couple of boyfriends over the years and kissed a good handful of guys – nothing abnormal or special.  I had never been told I was a bad kisser, but I had also never been told I was good, either.  When you have your lips moving in sync with a celebrity like Niall, any normal girl would be wondering if they were doing something wrong.

Much to my relief, Niall didn’t pull away from me and spit on me in disgust, so I took that as a good sign.  The more I was around him, the more I noticed how great of a guy he was.  He was so normal.  He acted like a regular guy you could run into at a mall or sporting event, although in my eyes, he was so much more than that.  I didn’t hold him to such standards because of his fame – that was far from it.  It was because we seemed to “get” each other, and for me, that’s always been hard to find.  I think I’m a pretty typical girl, but most guys can’t seem to get past the fact that I’m related to Ben.  He’s always been the leading factor of my failed relationships.  He either creeps the poor guy out so much – typically by calling them “pretty” – that they run in the opposite direction screaming for their mommy, or they just listen to the stories people tell about Ben, and that’s enough for them.  Niall’s the first guy who hasn’t judged me for being related to Ben.  He doesn’t think for a second that I must act like Ben just because we’re twins.  He actually has some common sense.

Niall pulled away from me.  I tried to breathe in as much air as I could as I watched him move closer to me.  I already felt breathless, but in an exhilarating way.

He smiled at me, showcasing his perfectly straight teeth.  I was surprised when Ben told me that Niall had braces not too long ago.  Even though I had never seen a picture of him before his teeth were straightened, I had a feeling he looked just as great then – if not more.

A mischievous smirk spread across Niall’s lips.  Before I had a chance to demand he tell me what was up his sleeve, Niall grabbed me and pulled me down on my side playfully.  He lied down right next to me and stared at me.  Our eyes met, and neither of us blinked for several moments.  Then, without warning, he tilted his forehead against mine and started to kiss me again.

My stomach seemed to twist and turn in knots from the overwhelming feelings I was experiencing.  I felt like I was at the top of a rollercoaster and was about to plunge down the rails to my death.  A theme ride would perfectly describe me at this moment.

After what seemed like seconds, Niall pulled away from me and fell onto his back.  He folded his arms behind his head and stared up at the cloudy sky.  An uneasy feeling coursed through me – what if I was an extremely bad kisser compared to Niall’s standards, and he just couldn’t take it any longer?

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