Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Sam patted me on the back in an attempt to be comforting, but really I just wanted her to go away.

"Are you done barfing yet, Sienna?" she asked.

I started to try and say 'No,' but was cut off by my own barfing.  Lovely.  Sam frowned and stood up.

"Okay, Sienna, I'll leave you be now.  Good luck," She said.  I gave her a dirty look and she hurried away.  Finally, some peace!

Sadly, my peace didn't last long.  Louis sat down beside me and smiled.  "So, are you feeling any better?"

"Not-" Suddenly, I felt another barf coming on.  Looking down at Louis' shoes, I had the perfect idea.  And that's when I puked my guts over Louis' nice red Toms.  On 'accident'. Served him right for dumping me in a river.

While Louis was cleaning his shoes, Harry came over to check on me.  Obviously I needed one of those 'do not disturb' signs, like at hotels.

"Hey, Sienna.  Looks like your feeling kinda rough, huh?"  I gave him a 'duh' look.  "Okay," he continued on hurridely.  "Well, I brought you some.... get well fruit!"  He handed me a juicy looking berry.  It looked..... delicious.  Then he hurried off.

Well, that seemed sincere enough.  I popped the fruit in my mouth, it tasted fuzzy and delicious.  Yum.  But then I started feeling lightheaded.  And that's when I realized Harry poisoned me.  Getting up, I swayed as I ran into our campsite waving my arms around.  "Harry, you poisoned me!" I shrieked as I locked eyes with him.  Louis, who was standing next to him looked scared and Sam was nowhere to be found.

I started to run towards Harry but I then felt extremely drowsy.  Managing to give Harry one last 'evil eye' I fell to the ground and everything went purple.  Not black.  Purple.  Cause purple's a boss color.

*   *   *

I had the strangest dream.  Louis kept pushing all my friends into a river but I couldn't do anything because Harry and Samacha had me tied to a stick and slow-roasting over a fire.  I kept yelling at him to stop but he wouldn't!

 But it was all good, because that's when I woke up.  I was all alone, and somone had put me in a bush.  Suddenly Louis appeared over me and kindly pulled me out of the bush.

And then a miracle happened.

I realized I wasn't sick anymore!

Looking back it probably wasn't the best choice, but right then I started doing a traditional dance from my culture, out of pure happiness.  Just as Louis started to slowly back away, I stopped.

"Wait!" I held up the my hand in the universal gesture to 'halt'.  "Don't leave yet."  Then I ran up to him and hugged him.  I was just so happy I could talk without throwing up.

Hugging him was nice, but he kinda smelled like smoke.  And forest.  And then I said, "Come on!" And pulled him back to our fire.

I saw Harry sitting there, roasting some meat in the fire and I practically jumped on him.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said, hugging him tightly.

"You're welcome!" he said, smiling, as he hugged me back.

It was a nice moment, until I realized Louis staring jealously at us.  I was pretty sure that it wasn't because of Larry Stylinson due to the fact I didn't believe they were actually gay, it was just a bromance all in good fun.  So he must be jealous  I quickly turned around.  Nope.  No one locked in a tight embrace behind us.  So it must be me!

Wow.  Louis didn't really like me...... did he?

Author's Note:  So, I have some really IMPORTANT news for all The Wrong Direction readers.  Stephanie will not be writing anymore (so yes, this is Leah posting this ;]).  While I did post this chapter for her and am writing this author's note, Steph did write all of this chapter.  Over Chirstmas me and Steph discussed the future of this story, and she was pretty busy and didn't have time to keep updating.  I didn't want to abandon this story simply because it makes my day to write about the adventures of Sienna, Adriana, and the amazing Ben.  Yes, Ben is amazing.  Don't deny it.  He's the bomb.

Updating should become more frequent again.  I'm hoping I'll be able to update at least once a week, but keep in mind that I have school work and another Wattpad account to update on.  Also, I didn't want to ditch writing in Sienna's POV because she's amazing, so Steph and I agreed that I'd write in Sienna's POV too.  So from now on, any chapter posted was written by me (unless Steph wants to collaborate again, which would be amazing.  If that ever happens, you'll all know about it because I'll be freaking out. haha).  And since this chapter was pretty short, I'll make it up to you guys and post a really long one tomorrow.  I already wrote it, but I need to go through it and edit it.  If I didn't have all of this homework to do still I'd try and post it tonight, but you know how schoolwork is.

If you guys have any questions about this, please feel free to ask in the comments or message me. :)  Thanks! <3

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