Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

Louis stepped towards me, and I was completely frozen.  I tried to move, but I couldn't.  I was too absorbed by his enchanting gaze.  His blue eyes were trained on me.  It was like a slow motion movie as he inched closer to me.

"Please, tell me," I whispered.

Louis stood not even a foot from me.  He lifted his hand and trailed his finger across my cheek.  I could see hints of worry on his face.  I covered his hand with mine and said, quietly so no one else would hear, "You can tell me anything, Louis.  You don't need to be afraid."

His mouth slowly opened, and a rush of confidence spread across his face.  Any traces of fear or anxiousness were gone, replaced by the sassiness that I knew and adored.

"Sienna," he murmured.

"Yes?" I replied, growing more and more overwhelmed for his answer.  I had waited for so long to hear this.  I could hardly believe he was finally going to tell me.

"Don't tell Carrot," he said.

"Of course not!" I exclaimed.  "I don't speak Catonian, Louis."

He nodded.  I could see it in his eyes that he finally trusted me.  Maybe now that we could put all of these secrets past us, we could move into a real, true relationship.  He was all I wanted.  I even dreamed about him.

"Sienna, I'm gay."

"What?!" I gasped.

So much for growing old together with twenty grandchildren.

"What?!  When?  Where?  How?!" I sputtered out.  "Is it with Harry?  I should have known after all of those naked parties.  Ugh, I'm so stupid."

Louis frowned at me.  "What?  No!  I'm in love with Carrot!  We've been in a secret relationship for days now.  I didn't know how to tell you.  I didn't want to hurt you.  I was trying to find a way to let you down easy, but you made it so difficult."

Now it was my turn to be confused.  "But Louis . . . Carrot's a girl . . . a female cat.  I don't get it.  Ben said Harry was the one with the thing for cats."

"No, Carrot's really a male!" Louis argued.  "I started to develop feelings for him long ago, and I asked Ben to check him again for me.  So, since Ben is in love with me, he agreed to look Carrot over, and he confirmed that Carrot was, in fact, a boy."

I threw my hands up in the air in frustration.  "Louis, why would you ask Ben - of all people - to check Carrot's . . . um, parts?  He's dumber than a brick wall."

"Harry enjoys talking to brick walls," Louis remarked, shrugging.  "He says they make some interesting conversations."

"Forget the brick walls," I snapped.  "This is serious.  Ben has no veterinarian experience, Louis!"

"Actually, he does," insisted Louis.  "Adriana said he worked at a humane society for a couple weeks, and they taught him how to tell the difference between animal genders."

All I could do was stare helplessly at Louis.  The guy of my dreams had just confessed his sexuality to me, and he wasn't even in love with a regular guy.  No, it had to be a cat.  I'm pretty sure that's illegal, or at least frowned upon.

"So . . . you don't want to father my babies?"

"Heck no!"  A smirk tugged across Louis's lips.  "I want to father kittens with Carrot."

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