Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

I was awoken by an unearthly scream so high pitched I knew it just had to be Harry.

"No, how could this happen, how could we let this happen!!!!" He screamed, as he banged his fists on the ground. Then he fell over and rolled around as he had a complete spaz attack.

Well, looked like everything was going normally.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Louis asked, sitting up groggily. Harry turned to him with an incredulous look on his face.

"You!" He shouted, pointing at Louis angrily. "it's your fault! You were supposed to take care of her, it was your duty!!!" Then he jumped on Louis and started punching him, luckily not to hard to do a lot of serious damage.

"Hey now, Hey now!" Samacha stood up, suddenly wide awake. "What's this all about?"

Harry stopped punching Louis just long enough to reply. "We forgot Carrot! She's probably lonely and alone and starving and it's all your fault!"He pointed at Louis again and then started up with the punching.

Oh no! We did forget that beautiful little kitty! How cruel! But right now, we had bigger problems. Like a bromance turned into a battle. We should stop it before it got ugly.

Me and Samacha shared a look. And suddenly, it was like we could communicate without words!

Samacha raised her eyebrows. 'Hey, you wanna go climb trees?'

I wiggled my nose. 'Of course, I'm always up for a little tree climbing!'

She stroked her chin three times. 'Head to the trees on the count of three? BTW, love the shirt!'

I nodded. 'Of course! And thanks, I got it at Aeropostale!'

Then we both counted up to three on our fingers, she yelled "and GO!" And I ran to the trees while she ran...... right at Harry and Louis?

I watched as she tore them apart with strength I would never possess, and they both fell to the ground, panting.

"Babe, if you wanted a piece of this-" Harry gestured to himself, "You just had to ask."

Samacha gave him a look. "Shut up, Harry."

I gave Samacha a look. "Sam, I thought we were on the same page? What happened to tree climbing?"

Samacha gave me a confused frown. "What? and it's Samacha."

"Never mind." I sighed defeated, concluding we never did really communicate wordlessly. "But do you at least like my shirt?"

She looked at my shirt and wrinkled up her nose. "Not really."

"ah, well. A girl can dream." I shrugged my shoulders. "But about the Sam thing, I am hereby nicknaming you Sam, because Samacha is a really weird name, no offense."

"None taken." She frowned. "But I suppose you could call me Sam....... just DON'T forget my real name is Samacha!"

"okay!" Me, Louis, and Harry all chorused.

"I think Sam is so much sexier anyway, love." Harry smiled cheekily.

"I'm sure you do." Sam smiled sweetly. "But don't forget, I can easily kick you in the balls. How's that for sexy?"

Harry swallowed, not meeting her eyes. "Actually, It sounds painful...."

"Well," She smiled evilly as she sauntered away, probably to collect more firewood. "It will be."

*   *   *

"Can we please go back for Carrot?!?" Louis, Harry, and I all whined.

"No!" Sam snapped. She was super irritated, I wonder why? Most likely because we had been asking the same question over and over again for at least an hour. But who knows? "What is more important to you people, finding your friends or a stupid cat?!?!"

Harry gasped. "How dare you insult Carrot, she is not stupid!"

"Yah," Louis agreed. "I never even got to paint her orange!!!!"

"But, guys....." I sighed. "Sam's right. Our friends are more important. We found Carrot in the wilderness, she'll be fine on her own."

Harry nodded, so he understood, but he did start crying a little so Louis had to comfort him.

Sometimes I felt like crying, just not over a cat....

I felt like crying because we had been in the wilderness for like, days, and still no one had rescued us. You'd think they'd try a bit harder to find the world famous boy band sensation, One Direction, but apparently not!

A few hours later I was still pondering over this sad fact, and finally somone noticed I was a bit depressed.

"You okay, home-slice?" Louis asked.

I gave him a look. "Home-slice?"

He smiled innocently. "Just trying out a new word. So, anyway, what's the matter?"

"Nothing...." I trailed off. "I'm fine." What a total lie.

Thankfully Louis sensed that I wasn't in the mood to talk about it, and instead said, "Hey, I know! Wanna piggy back ride?"

"Ummmmm okay!" I perked up. I loved my piggy back rides! Plus my feet kinda hurt from walking! "Just don't drop me into the river," I looked at the freezing water which was only a few feet away. "I think you'll be fine though...."

"Think?" Louis snorted. "I know I'll be fine." Then I jumped onto his back.

We walked for a while and it was all going good, until Louis tripped on a rock. We both fell over and I hit the slope, rolling the few feet into the icy cold river.

Being underwater was in a way, peaceful. However, it was so cold it was hard to enjoy it. I pumped my arms and legs, and as I broke past the surface I heard screams and then cries of relief. I grabbed onto the sides, waiting for Louis to pull me out. He would be like my knight in shining armor.

Unfortunately, Harry stole that dream. He picked me up right out of the river, and upon noticed I was shivering, started to take off his clothes, saying "Here, wear my clothes for extra warmth."

"No, Harry!" I put my foot down. "I know you just like stripping off. I'll take your sweater but that is it!"

Harry pouted but handed me his sweater.

Shivering, we kept walking. The whole time with Sam and Harry shooting me concerned glances and Louis apologizing constantly, and although it was kinda his fault, I let it go.

When it got dark, we made camp and I stayed extra long by the fire, finally falling asleep.

The next morning I was sick. I mean throwing up, coughing, sneezing, the whole package.

I could barely walk because I had such a bad headache.

Great, now how are we supposed to find our friends?

A/N: Soooo sorry I haven't written for days! My chapter took like three weeks! Sorry Leah! Oh and BTW we're gonna start adding recaps for the chapters since it will be alternating chapters in Adriana's and Sienna's POV and you might get a bit confused :)

Remember to VOTE, COMMENT, and WATCH LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG! Best music video ever!

-Your favorite Stephanie! *wink, wink* ;)

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