Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

The roaring noise turned out to be Ben. Unfortunately he had woken up.

Since Ben is, to put it nicely, a weenie, he had been whining to us all for the last twenty minutes about how he refused to pee in the woods.

"But there's wild animal's out there!!!!" He shouted.

"Ben, you haven't said a thing about wild animals the other thirty times you went out in the woods!!!" Adriana tried to reason with him.

"Yah, but when I'm peeing, I'm vulnerable!!!!"

"OH MY GOSH, MY GOSH!!!" Harry yelled, and everyone was silenced. "BEN I WILL GO WITH YOU, AND PROTECT YOU FROM THE ANIMALS, GEESH!!!!"

"Yay!" Ben cried, and linked arms with Harry. Then they happily skipped into the forest. Well,  Ben was happy anyways.....

*   *   *

"Louis put me down this instant!" I screamed.

"Not until you tell me you love me!!!!"

"Lou, you know I don't lie!" I joked. Currently I was hanging over his shoulder, and he was carrying me who knows where. I knew he wouldn't last long though, I'm pretty heavy for a girl. It's not that I'm overweight or anything(I suppose I could stand to lose a few pounds), but I'm pretty tall.

"Exactly!" He shouted back. "That's why you should tell me that you love me now! The truth always prevails!!!!"

I didn't bother saying anything, I could hear him breathing heavily. It wouldn't be long now. Sure enough, a few seconds later Louis collapsed and I fell on top of him.

"aaaaagh, get off me, woman!" He screeched.

"What a gentlemen!" I stood up and dusted myself off. Then suddenly I saw something out of the corner of my eye. "A kitty!"

"What?" Louis stood up with a grunt. "A kitty, you say?"

"Yah!" I said, pointing at the small kitten crouched a few feet away from us, watching us suspiciously.

It was really adorable, actually. It had pure black fur, with bright green eyes. It was watching us, and when it saw us look at it, it meowed softly. So cute.

"Can we keep it, Louis???" I begged, jumping up and down. I didn't bother with the puppy dog face, though, because when I try to do it I usually just look constipated.

"Why are you asking me? I'm not mature! I want it just as much as you!!!" He yelled and we approched the kitty slowly. We didn't have to get to far because it suddenly ran right into Louis' arms.

"Wow Louis! It really likes you!!!" I smiled, slightly jealous.

"If it likes me, it will love Hazza!!!" He laughed, and then got a thoughtful look on his face. "Let's name it Carrot."

I laughed at him. He so would. "It's not even orange."

He grinned evilly. "Not yet......."

"Okay then, Carrot it is." I shook my head at him and grabbed his arm, running full speed back to the clearing, eager to show everyone the adorable kitten that will forevermore be known as 'Carrot.'

*   *   *

"Bad Carrot, bad Carrot!" Adriana yelled, backing away slowly from Carrot. The poor kitty had gone crazy since it had seen Ben. Although, if animals sense Ben's craziness too then we might have a bit of a problem......

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