Chapter Forty Six

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Immortals - Fall Out Boy

"Well, have you got everything?!" Mary asks, for like, the nth time.

I sighed, "Yes. Now will you help me carry these downstairs?" I asked, referring to my two black suitcases.

We walked down the stairs each carrying a suitcase in hand. I kept going over my list of things I had to take, in my head. Toothpaste, underwear, laptop.. etc.

Finally, as we made our way down the stairs,Harry's tall figure came into view.

Today he wore his usual black jeans, just they were ripped, a white t-shirt with a blue flannel draped over.

He looked incredibly sexy, with his hair pushed back with a plain black headband. After about two minutes of acknowledging the beauty, he finally turns around, with a huge grin on his face.

"Hey," I smiled. "You ready?"

"Yeah-I'm just really fucking nervous."

I chuckled. Nervous Harry is cute.

Harry is cute.

"It'll be fine, I promise," I said. "Just relax."

So after greeting Mary goodbye, we finally got in the car.

Packing the luggage was the absolute worst, since Harry, believe it or not, had way more luggage then I did.

"You know," I said. "Usually the girl has more luggage then the guy. But in this case," I laughed.

"Do you know how many black jeans I own? It's not like I wear the same pair the entire time."

"And of course, all those bandanas."

"Of course. Like a woman likes bags and shoes - I love my jeans and bandanas."

When we had arrived at the airport, we waited for about two hours. Two cups of coffee and a Redbull later, the announcement finally went off.

Plane 42 all aboard, please. Can we get all passengers to the front boarding on Plane 42 straight to California please. That's plane 42. Passengers all aboard.

"Well," I said grabbing his hand. "Let's go."

The entire plane ride I noticed Harry being extremely figity, like his mind was someplace else.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing," he answered, sitting back in his chair. "Like I said, I'm just really nervous, is all."

I laughed, shaking my head, "There's no need to be nervous, babe. Everything's going to be fine. It'll go smoothly-"

"Yeah but what if they hate me, like, what if after they find out how we got together, they'll think I'm not the right one for you."

"Then I don't care," I said. "It doesn't matter. If my happiness doesn't matter to them, then that's not what family is, right? I'm sure they'll get over it."

He nodded slowly, very slowly, "You never really talk about your family. Who are they?"

"Well, my father he's um, dead," he looks shocked, "My mother, Katie McCoy, but please, don't ever call her 'Katie' she's all about respect and stuff, it's pretty fucking lame but," he laughs loudly, so loudly that some of the people sitting in front of us turn to the back, while we giggled like school kids, "My younger sister, Lottie, is fourteen years old, but acts more mature than me to be honest," I said,"And finally, my older brother-"

"You have an older brother?!" he looks so shocked that his eyes might pop out. I laughed slightly. "Now it's going to be even more difficult to impress."

"You don't have to impress anybody, especially not my twenty four year old brother, Louis,"

"Nice name."

"Thanks," I smiled. "I'm sure you two get will along."

"I should hope so."

"You like footie, right?" he nods. "Aah. Then you two should get along just fine."

I could see that afterward, he relaxed. He looked more excited now, but of course he wasn't thrilled about the part where we'd have to tell my mother about the kidnapping part.

God, even I was terrified, the fact that you have to bring home the boy of your dreams - that's not a mother's dream for her daughter.


An hour and some Chipotle later, we were on our way to my mother's house.

"Fuck," Harry said nervously as we arrived closer and closer to my house. "Do I look okay? Not to formal, not to casual, right? Is my hair-"

"Relax. Relax. You look perfect," I reassured him. "You'll do good."

We walked up to the front door step, luggage still in the car, since we first wanted to greet. My heart was a pounding mess, everything added up to this moment, where my mother meets him.

What will they think?

"Bella!!" Lottie gasped as she opened the door."I'm so glad you're here!"

We embraced in a hug.

"Are you okay after what happened?" she asked. "Oh my god I can't wait to hear the story and who your knight in shining armor was!"

I laughed nervously, entering the door, Harry following suit.

"I take it, this is Harry?" she smiled, checking him out right in front of me.

"Err yes, Lottie, this is my boyfriend, Harry, Harry this is my fourteen year old sister, Lottie." I winked, she hugged him instead of your civil handshake.

The thirst was real.

"Well, well," Louis said, running down the stairs. "If it isn't Bella herself."

"Louis!" I immediately hugged him since I had missed him so much.

I introduced Harry to louis, and vice versa. They seemed to have liked each other, since they immediately engaged in a footie conversation.

Apparently, they supported the same club, Doncaster or something like that. I'm glad they got along.

Finally, my mother arrived from work, I could see she was quite chuffed-but will she be as chuffed when she finds out?

Eventually, the moment I've been dreading came into conversation.

"Since you explained your entire story about what happened to you," my mother said, with a frown, "you never told us who the guys were that took you."

I gulped, "Um, there were three guys. Blaze, Mike and um," Fuck. "Harry."

My mother dropped her fork, Louis shot up from his seat, and Lottie nearly fell out of her chair.

"So then who let you go?"

"Harry," I nearly chocked.

The room was dead silent.

a.n Goal for next chapter:


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