Chapter Thirty One

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Adam's Song - blink182

I gulp, staring at the posters of the old rock bands on his wall, impatiently tapping my foot onto his wooden floors, "So are you going to tell me or not?"

He bites the inside of his cheek and quickly glances at Emma, signaling her to give us a minute, "What do you want to know?"


He takes a seat on his bed and clears his throat,"Braden's not as innocent as you think he was."

"Realized." I said in monotone.

"Look, I'm just going to give it to you straight. Braden was part of dealing drugs here, okay? He was a dealer. He started dealing for one of the main guys-Mike," so there that damn name was again, "And he started fucking shit up-not selling anything...and he wanted to quit. But the thing can't quit. Because, you know. You aren't allowed to stop because we all know if the person knows about the drugs, you could easily go report us to the police. Which is why we don't allow anyone to leave - or you die."

I shake my head and stare at the ceiling, tears prickling around the brim of my eyes, threatening to fall. Don't cry, "I..."

"I know how hard it must be for you, but we had no choice."

"This is all fucking sick and twisted."I shake my head in disbelief and continue to stare at his Jimi Hendrix poster, "You're sick and fucking twisted."

"Watch your fucking mouth."

I furrow my brows in confusion,"What are you? My fucking father?"

He scoffs, "No. But if I was I'd probably give you up for adoption because you would be a terrible daughter."

"Fuck you."

"You too."

I sigh deeply and take my gun off the bedside cupboard, stuffing it in my pocket, "Tell me Harry, are you on these drugs, too?"

"I just deal 'em."

I shake my head slowly, and turn the doorknob to open his room door,"Thanks for fucking ruining my life."

And with that I storm out his door room, walking all the way to mine. My hair sticking to my forehead, my eyes probably bloodshot from all the crying and my palms clammy from holding that gun.

Luckily, Mary isn't here so I could have the room all to myself.

I climb under the sheets and cuddle with my favorite stuffed animal- my giraffe, Belden.

I lay there, not thinking of anything particular, and stare at the plain white wall.

Wondering what everything would be like if he was still alive.

Flashback :
"Braden! Wait up!" I yell as I run towards him at the playground, my heavy brand new school shoes clanking on the tar beneath me.

"Hey, Bella!" he grins and we exchange a hug.

"How was your holiday Bray?"

He takes off his backpack and places his hand inside, "It was gweat. Even got you this!" he says and pulls out a medium sized stuffed animal. A giraffe.

"Wow bray! Is this for me?" I grin, showing off my two missing top teeth.
"Yes!" he smiles and places the giraffe in my arms, "What do you tink we shoo name it?"

"Belden!" I say and he grins,

"Bella and Braden together?" he asks with a big smile and I nod vigorously.
End of flashback

I smile at the happy memories of the third grade, where we were happy and young, just enjoying life.

But now-everything changed. He wasn't as innocent as I thought he was - but we all make mistakes.

So here I am, wishing everything would return back to normal, holding on to Belden, crying myself to sleep.

//Harrys POV//

"Hey," I breathe out as Mike steps into my room.

"What does she know?"

"Everything." I say and he picks up one of my photo frames and smashes it on the ground. "What the fuck that was my favorite ph-"

"I don't give a fuck. How'd she find out?"

"I think she saw it in room?"

He scoffs, "There's a fucking camera room now?"

I nod slowly and bite my bottom lip.

He takes a seat on my bed. Groaning in frustration he places his hands on his head, "We're gonna have to do it man."


"We're going to have to...kidnap her," he says and I nod slowly, "It's the only way."

A.n bwahaha *evil laughter*
Goal for next chapter :

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