Chapter Twenty Two

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“Hey,” I grin as I slide into the seat of the café opposite Zayn.


“Thanks for coming.”

“No problem,” he smiles. “How are you feeling?”

“Complete shit.”

“You look it.”

“Hey,”I laugh jokingly. “I'm alright. Just struggling to come to terms with it.” I explain and he raises his eyebrows.

“With Braden or the fact that Harry's involved?” he questions and I exhale loudly,

“Both,” I confirm. “But mostly the Harry part, though.”

“Did you see him yet...?”

“No,” I say as the waiter places two cups of streaming hot coffee on our table. “Thanks for ordering coffee in the meantime – and no, I didn't. And I, for his sake, hope I don't.”

“Why?” he laughs.

“I've step by step planned his death at least twenty times in my head already.”

“Oh my god,” he laughs again while shaking his head. “You're funny, but you can't avoid him forever, you know.”

I sigh deeply and begin to add some sugar into my coffee, “I know that, but honestly, I have no idea how I'll even confront him. What I'll say or...” I sigh. “I just don't know.”

“Well, maybe you should just ask him to meet you somewhere, and then you could ask him about it. Just bring up the topic or somethi–”

“Bring up the topic?” I cut him off.“First of all, it's not just some 'topic'. And second of all, what if he snaps and kills me, I mean he is a murderer after a–”

He immediately cuts me off, “No, Bella, you're wrong. He took part in the murder of your best friend, yes. But he did not kill him. He wasn't the one who pulled the trigger. Take that back.”

I raise my eyebrows and put my hands up in defense, “Okay, chill. You're acting like you're his girlfriend or something.” I laugh.“Take that back!” I imitate him and he rolls his eyes.

“Speaking of which,” he takes a sip off his coffee. “Fuck that's still fucking boiling – Did you have a chance to go to the tattoo parlor yet?”

Honestly that was the last thing on my mind. I completely forgot about that to be honest.

“I didn't have a chance yet,” I shrug.“But I will.”

“Let's talk about something else, huh?” he sighs. “Like besides this death thing.”

“Shoot.” I smile.

“What kind of person are you?” he asks. “Like if you wrote a book about yourself, what would you're brief description be?”

“Um,” I tap my fingers on the table,“A nineteen year old girl with the maturity of a six year old boy. Haha I'm kidding. But basically I'm just a girl who loves reading and writing books – which is why I'm studying literature here at campus. A connoisseur of good coffee, music, all kind of things like that. I hate tea–”

“Whoa, whoa whoa, ” he cuts me off.“You hate tea? That's messed up.” he says and I laugh,

“Yeah, I know it's weird. Um, so yeah basically music, books and coffee. I'm originally from England, obviously, and my family moved to California.  I stayed here for campus.” I take a sip of my coffee. “I have a little seven year old sister Amelia, and an older brother, Louis. That's about it I guess.” I shrug and he smiles,

“Interesting,” he nods. “What's your favorite book? Band? Song?”

“My favorite book is Blue Horizon by Wilbur Smith, Favorite song would be Alive by Good Charlotte – really love them. And my favorite band would obviously be Good Charlotte and Green Day. But enough about me, tell me about yourself.”

“Fine,” he huffs. “I'm not very interesting, honestly. I'm a twenty year old artsy kinda guy, you could say. Give me a wall, some spray cans and I'll be perfectly happy all day. 'Though, I enjoy reading and listening to music too. Favorite book would be Scars by Anne Bailey. Favorite song... Nah don't really have one. But I see you're all into the punk rock side – I'm not though. I'm more for R'n'b and Rap. I'm originally from England too. That's about it yeah– oh, and I'm an only child.”

I grin sheepishly, “That's pretty cool, oh and I've read that book bef–”

I'm cut off by Zayn's, some song of naughty boy, ring tone and he holds up one finger quickly answering it.

“Hi...yeah...okay...yup..see ya soon.”

“I need to go,” he frowns. “We'll catch up later, yeah?”

“Sure,” I grin.

He grabs his keys and puts a five dollar bill on the table, “It's on me.”

He walks away from the table and I grab my bag as well, deciding to leave.

After the waiter finally brought the bill I reluctantly got up, feeling as if I could just stay in this comfy seat, but I needed to get back to Mary anyway.

“Bella!” I hear my voice being called as I walk out the café. I turn around and my jaw slightly drops. This son of a bi– “Where were you these last 'coupla days?” he asks innocently and I raise my eyebrows, walking back to my dorm room. I hear him sigh as he quickly starts following me.

“Quit following me, Styles.”

“Wait up,” he pleas breathlessly and I start walking slower. “Are you like, mad at me or something?”

I bite my bottom lip to try and contain the shit that might just accidentally fly out.

“No,” I lie, “I'm not.”

“Well then what's going on? Is it something I said to you? Did to you?” his' innocence' makes me want to bash his head with a brick. Well at least, that's how I'm picturing his death at the moment.

“No,” I bite back. “It's something you were involved with.”

I slam my dorm room door shut in his annoying dumbfounded ass face.

a.n lol I had soo much fun writing this!
Zayn and bella give me feels whAT IS THIS
So do you ship #Zella
#Barry bc hella sounds lmao weird

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