Chapter Twenty

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*Mary's POV*

It had been a day since Braden's death. I quickly walk down to the coffee shop to get Bella and I some coffee seeing that we really neede

“What the fuck?” I gasp as I feel my arm being yanked from around the corner.


“Mary, mary, mary.” he smirks and I internally gag. “Sorry to hear about your little...friendo.”

Mike had been my boyfriend since high school, and about a year in campus, but we called it off when Bella moved into my dorm. Bella never knew him, doubt she ever saw him either.

Yet, after not have speaking to him for about a couple of months, he still has the audacity to speak to me. I told him many times we're through.

“I don't need your fucking pity, Mike.”I spit and turn around, but he grabs my wrist again.

“That's not a very nice thing to say, Mary.” he smirks and I cock my eyebrow.

“What do you know about Braden, Mike?” I ask and he laughs. “What do you know??”

“Well,” he smirks. “He and I had some unfinished business.” he shrugs. “So I finished it.” he laughs and I stare at him in horror and I feel my heart shatter.

“I'll go to the pol–”

“Oh no sweets,” he laughs. “With all the shit I've got on you,  you can't afford to.”

*End of flashback*

I anxiously wait for Bella to  wake up, her tossing and turning as usual.

What the hell is going on with her?

After all she has been acting different lately. Like tonight – why was she out until three this morning?

Does she know about Mike? Because if she does there's going to be some pretty deep shit for us.

*Bella's POV*

I feel my eyes open and I yawn and sit up straight.

“Morning babe,” Mary greets sympathetically. “Are you feeling alright?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

To be honest I don't feel well at all, there's a huge lump in my throat and my eyes burn like hell.

“You want to talk about last night, now?” she asks and I shrug,

“Okay,”I sniffle and pull the blankets closer to my chest. “So remember when Ed was here? And I told him I needed to find Braden's murderer? Yeah well he helped me. He gave me the key, to this big door thing that lead to something I'd least expect.”

“What was that?”she almost whispers.

“The camera room,” I say. “After I got in a guy walked in, Zayn was his name, he helped me. He didn't want to at first but I convinced him to,” I say and suddenly Ed walks in, taking a seat on Mary's bed and nodding his head as for me to continue. “I watched all the footage and, and I saw that Braden,” I bite my bottom lip to stop the tears from falling. “Was dealing for this unknown guy – I don't know him or whatever, and he must've messed up really badly because this guy started beating him up,” I let out a quiet sob. “So bad, guys, so bad. But that's not the worst part though. Do you know what is?! Harry was all part of it!” I say and they stare at me in disbelief.

“H-Harry?” Ed asks flabbergasted.

“He was there when the unknown guy – with the key tattoo and the blackish hair – beat Braden up. God, Harry even joined in. He was there when they pulled him to the forest and s-shot him!” I break into a fit of sobs and Ed comes rushing over embracing me in a hug.

“Shh, it's okay.” he coos and I watch Mary as she anxiously looks around and bites her bottom lip.

“Mary?”I ask. “Do you know anything that I don't?”

“No, I'm just really shocked at at like,”she sighs. “everything.

“Me too.” I sigh and it stays silent for a while, all processing that our friend, Harry, was actually part of everything. At least Harry never killed him, but it doesn't mean that doesn't hurt that he could look me in the eye and not even feel guilty for taking part in the death of my best friends life.

“Ed?” Mary says. “Could I speak to you for a minute?”


just to clear things up a bit
Mike (daniel sharman) was mary's ex. She knows he killed braden but she's not going to tell bella yet, patience :)

Goal for next chapter :
1K?? :)

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