Chapter Thirteen

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(a.n:/ early update because ily yall okay? please Vote¿?)

At eight thirty I lazily walk to my English Literature class, and sit in the second row where I usually sat. I sigh when my English Sir walks into the class, or should I say, rolls into the class.

He adjusts his nerdy glasses and rubs his hair–or what's left with it–with some of his own saliva and I squirm. He was truly disgusting.

“Miss McCoy,” the teacher speaks up and my heart rate starts quickening.


“Care to explain where you were last lesson?”

Shit. I quickly remembered that was the day where I was late and I bunked the class with Har–

“Miss McCoy?” he snaps me from my thoughts.

“I was feeling a bit under the weather, sir.” I explain and he nods sternly.

“Okay, so today I will be explaining your next project for this semester which–luckily–is a group project,” the teacher says, earning groans from around the classroom. “The task will consist of doing a play, of your groups choice, and I'll be splitting you, myself. That's all for now, so carry on with whatever shit you were doing.”

I sigh and go back to doodling on my notepad when suddenly the bell rings and I sigh in relief. I pack my things when I hear my name being called.

“Miss McCoy, do you have a minute?”


“I'm very disappointed in you. You never missed a class before. Is everything alright?” he asks and I roll my eyes. Noisy ass teachers. Maybe I should just give him the honest truth.

Yeah I ditched your class to go lay on a hill with Harry and eat blueberries because I was late.

“As I said sir, I just felt a bit under the weather.”


“Where are you going at eleven at night anyway?” Mary asks as I pull my black hoodie over my head.

“Shit, I thought you were asleep!” I say.

“Whatever.” she mumbles and goes back to sleep. I quickly slip into a pair of Toms and tie my hair into a ponytail.





Guts to do this?

Hell nah

I exhale and open the dorm door, I just needed to be able to do this.

Get it together Isabella.

I quietly tiptoe all the way to the passage and start reciting the combination lock again.


Wait no–that wasn't it.


I remember.

When I arrive in front of the big metal door I pull out the key and hesitantly place it in the lock.

Please don't open so I can go back and be safe in me bed

I sigh when it opens and pick up the combination number, slowly putting in each digit.





I'm finally in.

It's extremely dark around in here so I quickly take out my torch and began to shine the light, and take in my surroundings.

Around me are about twenty to thirty cameras. This is what he meant, I could go back to that night and maybe, just maybe I could s–

My heart rate quickens as I see the light go on, and someone walks in.

“What the–!” he shrieks and I'm left completely speechless.

an:// hii :)))
Goal for next chapter 400reads..

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