Chapter Fifty One

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A.N So guys the 1st of April I got to fucking SEE THE BOYS LIVE. It was the best night ever! They were sooo fun and guess what, I blew Louis a kiss... And he SMILED at me!! I was second front row, so I could see them perfectly. They were. So. Hot. Omg.
Best night of my life!

Arabella - Arctic Monkeys
Fireflies - Owl City

My stomach churned with the feeling of nervousness as we arrived in front of Harry's parents house.

“Babe,” I sighed. “I'm nervous, like, what if they don't like me?”

“I don't care if they'll like you or not, all that matters to me is that I'm with you. There opinion is the least thing that worries me, but if it makes you feel better,” he kissed me on my cheek. “I think they'll love you.”


“You're the kinda girl every guy would bring home to his parents.”


He tensed up a bit, “However, you know, I'm not exactly on good terms with them.”

“So then why are you taking me then?”

“I want you to meet them, though.”

I nodded as we pulled into his driveway, “Well.. Let's do it.”

So he unlocked the car, me nearly tripping twice over my own bag, because I'm such a dumb ass, we finally arrived at his doorstep.

With one knock later, a beautiful young lady opened the door.

“Harry?!” she shrieked. “Oh my sweet boy!” she wrapped her arms around Harry's waist, “I missed you, son.”

“Yeah, mom, me too.” he said, bringing me closer to his side. “This is my girlfriend, Isabella.”

“Bella for short.” I interjected.

“Lovely to meet you, please come inside.”so I followed her into the house, which was unexpectedly, beyond beautiful. It appears that Harry was indeed wealthy. Which I didn't have a clue about.

“Honey did you see my car k–” an old man in his late forties appeared from the kitchen, “Who's this?”

“Hi, dad, this is my, uh, girlfriend,” Harry said. “Bella.”

His dad scoffed, “You? A girlfriend? Wow. Surprised anybody would want you with your filthy manners.”

I furrows my brows, “Wh–”

“Oh Harry didn't tell you?” his father mocked. “Or haven't you seen his true colors before?”

“Stop it.” his mother pleaded.

“DAD ENOUGH!”Harry said and barged out of the kitchen. I immediately ran after him as he sprinted outside.

“I can't do this anymore,” he said, jumping in the car, “Get in. We're leaving.”

“What?” I mumbled. “We just got here...”

“I know. I know. But I'm sick of this parents shit! So let's just go... Away, from here.”

I frowned, “But where will we go?”

“Anywhere but here.”

He sped off down the road, we drove for hours, listening to Indie Rock. I tried to break the ice.

“I kinda never told you this before,” I said. “But you really remind me of Matt Healy.”



“THANK YOU” he squealed like a little princess. My little princess.

I laughed, “Yeah?”

“Yeah,” he grinned. “He's honestly, like, goals in life.”

“I know right..well you got that seventies, indie vibe.”

“You're so cute.”


“So,” He yawned. “Where do we go now?”

“Honestly.. Let's just go home, Harry.”

He smiled, “Sounds like a plan.”

“ we come!” I joked.

So after we finally arrived in front of our University, it felt like everything was okay, in place.

It was great seeing Mary again, and literally just being home.

“I'm sorry about my parents...”Harry frowned. I hugged him, whispering in his ear.

“It's okay. I'm glad we left,” I said. “Wouldn't want to be there if they're going to be terrible towards us anyway..”

“Yeah, me too.”

Mary appeared in the room, “Hey, you guys okay here?”

“Great,” Harry nodded.

“Oh yeah,” Mary said, turning around. “Figure out what you want to do for you birthday yet?”

My birthday.

Three days.

Shit, I forgot about that to be honest.

“It's your birthday soon and you didn't tell me?!”Harry shrieked.

“Yeah,” I shrugged.

“How many days?”

“Uh, three?”

He nodded slowly, “I have a perfect idea.”

a.n i still can't believe my sunshine(louis) smiled at me.

i win at life lol

goal for next chapter :

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