Chapter One

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It was a cold wintery night. The rain fell hard against the roof of my dorm. It was a usual Friday night, me, cuddled up in some warm fleecy blanket, watching some Netflix.

I wasn't a very out going person, sure I went out to a party sometimes, but not too much. I prefer to stay at home with a book or something, instead of grinding against a Fraternity boy.

The best part of it all was that my roommate, Mary, was not a big party person either.

A few seconds later I hear a key fiddling in the door until eventually she comes in.

“Bella!”Mary comes, panting heavily into the room.

“What??”I ask in a hurry, something seems seriously wrong here. “What happened?”

She sits on her single sized bed and looks at me with a frown on her face.

“Mary, spit it out!”

“H-He's dead...”


I hate when she speaks in riddles. Just spit it out already.

“They found him by the forest. Dead. I-I...”

“Look Mary, stop talking in riddles and tell me who you're talking about!” By this time I was seriously mad, not to mention confused.


My heart instantly drops and a warm salty tear escapes my eye, rolling down my cheek. Braden was my best friend since third grade. We'd do everything together. We were inseparable really. Until...

“No,” I silently said. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. Come on, do you want to go down to the scene?”

“Um,”I swallow the lump in my throat, “Yes, OK.”

I throw on an old 'The Killers' hoodie and look at Mary. Signaling that I'm ready to do this. Hundreds of college students walk in the same direction we're walking. To the forest. We eventually arrive at the scene, pushing through the busybody students of YC, I finally get a clear view of–

Oh my god.

He lays in a pool of his own blood. Multiple scratches on his face, and a bullet hole in his chest. Although the sight is so gruesome, you could still see he's beautiful brown hair and angelic face. I bend down towards him while Mary holds my hand.

Until I'm eventually close enough to him I bent forward and softly said:

“I'll miss you Braden. You were one of a kind. Thanks for all those awesome childhood memories, and for being such an idiot at times,” a tear yet again escapes my eye, “I'll miss you kiddo, I love you, don't forget.”

The tears start coming and Mary brings me up to her level, hugging me gently.

“I'm sorry...” she whispers in my ear and I hug her tighter.

“Who would do such a thing?” I ask in disbelief.

“I-I don't know.” she looks down sadly.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Harry Styles, standing against one of the trees with no emotion on his face. I send him a quick wave and he sends me back a small smile and mouths a quick 'hi' and I do the same.

an:// hi hi hi welcome to Stockholm Syndrome my new Harry fanfic! :)

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