Chapter Five

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In a timespan of about ten minutes we arrive in front of Harry's mocha colored double story.

"We're here!" I shriek.

"Yeah," Mary stops the car and let's out a long sigh. "Let's do this."

"Let's just go back." I say. "You're clearly not up for this."

"No its ju–let's go." she assures me with a smile and we climb out of her car, walking to his open front door.

The house reeks of vodka and sweat, they're aren't too many people. Way less then I expec–

"Hey you guys came!" Harry greets us with a grin, hugging Mary and I.


"Well you guys are pretty early," Yip, there it is. There's probably way more people coming.

"The others should be here soon. Help yourselves to something to drink. Beer maybe?" he asks and we nod following him into the kitchen and he hands us each a yellow liquid in a red paper cup.

We spend a few more minutes talking until eventually he leaves, greeting his arriving friends.

The house begins to feel smaller and smaller as the time goes by, students arriving in packs of ten.

"How many friends does Harry actually have?"

"I know right." I raise an eyebrow."Probably more friends than both you and I have ever had together."

I shriek when I feel a bang behind me, a couple making out vigorously on the table.

"Let's get out of this kitchen." I say and we walk to the living area where girls dance on tables while some guys are smoking, what seems to be, weed?

"Typical Frat party see." Mary says and rolls her eyes.

I scan my eyes around the room and my heart stops.

"We should probably go this isn't our sc–" she rambles and I cut her off.

"Shut up and look over there." I say and she turns her head.

"Jack!" we say in unison.

"He's beautiful."

"Fuck me."

I swallow my remaining drink and start to walk towards him when I feel Mary grab my wrist.

"What?" I ask annoyed.

"Are you insane?" she answers."You're just going to walk over to him?"

"Er, yes?" I say and she shakes her head, letting go of my wrist.

I push through the sweaty drunk bodies until I'm eventually in front of him.

"Hey, Jack." I grin and he looks a bit surprised.

"Oh hey, Issie." my heart flutters at his nickname for me. Nobody ever called me issie. It's an ugly name but hey, it's Jack here. "What are you doing here?"

"Harry invited me." I explain.

"Oh okay cool, I didn't realize that you're into parties and stuff."

"I'm not usually, but Harry is my friend after all."

"I guess that makes sense yeah." he grins with a nod.

We talk about a few more random things and share a few laughs. I still can't believe we're actually having a conversation. I'm taken aback by his next action. He tucks a few strands of hair behind my ear and leans closer to me.

Oh my god.


I'm actually going to kiss him.




Before he could connect his lips to mine we are interrupted by a fake cough.

"Cmon Bella." Harry grabs my wrist and pulls me away from Jack.

"What the fuck Harry?" Jake angrily says and Harry shoots him a death glare until he's eventually out of sight.

"WHAT THE HELL BRUH?" I whisper-shout. "I was this close."  I show my index finger and thumb to him.

"For what?" he scoffs.

"Getting a kiss from Jack."

"Oh my god," he laughs. "You're so weird Bella."

"Harry shut up, you don't know how long I've waited for that moment."

"I don't care."

I roll my eyes and notice that we're making our way out of the door.

"Where are we going?"

"I need a smoke and you're coming with me."

"Why do I have to come with you?" I ask astonishingly but he doesn't answer.

We eventually arrive outside on his porch and he chases away a couple that is making out on the bench so that we could sit.

I watch as he pulls out a cigarette lights it and brings it to his mouth, grey smoke escaping his lips.

"You want?" he offers.

"Heh no." I shoot him a disapproving look.

"Okay." he shrugs.

"So why are we really here?"

"I need your help." he says and I nod. "I think Emma's cheating on me."

"Why would you think that?"

"I just do." he answers. "I just need to think of a way to prove it."

"Okay. Where do I fit in?"

"You're gonna help me prove it."

Just as I'm about to say something, a short blonde looking boy pops his head around the corner.

"Cmon Harry they're counting down." he motions his hand for us to come in.

"Let's go inside." Harry says and kills his cigarette, and I follow him into the living room where hundreds of people are counting down.


Everyone shouts in unison and I pull him into a hug.

"YOU'RE FINALLY TWENTY BRO." I shout over the loud music and he grins.

The rest of the evening I spend telling Mary about how I nearly kissed Jack, but she doesn't seem interested though.

"We should go." I say, feeling a little drained.

"Yeah." we make our way to her car and drive back to the dorm room. I couldn't see Harry after his countdown, so I should probably thank him later.

We finally arrive and we speed walk to our dorm room. Both Mary and I both pass out onto our tiny, yet comfortable, beds. Still dressed in our party outfit.

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