Chapter Six

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The harsh rays of sunlight peeking through my blinds are enough to wake me up. I slowly open my eyes and let out a loud groan because of my pounding headache. Once my eyes are eventually open my heart stops beating for a second.

"Harry??" I shriek. "What are you doing here?"

"Mary said I could come in."

"Where is she?"

"She went to get us some coffee." he says and makes himself comfortable on Mary's bed.

"So you sat here the entire time, watching me?"

"The first part, yes. Second part, no. I was reading one of your books off that shelf." he says and I nod.

"What're you doing here?"I ask.

"We start today."

"With?"I ask, confused.


"Oh. Yes. But like, how are we going to do this again?"

"I don't know." he says and Mary walks in with our coffee.

"Morning sleepy head." she teases and I laugh.

"Morning." I groan again and rub my tired eyes. "Why were you up so early?"

"It's Sunday and I figured we'd do something today."

"Sorry," Harry says and guzzles his coffee down his throat. "Bella and I have plans."

"What?" Mary laughs. "Are you two a thing? Something I don't know about here?" she says and both Harry and I laugh.

"Don't be silly Mary, I'm just helping him with something."

"Ooh, can I help too?"she asks expectingly.

"Not at the moment, no. But if we need your help we'll definitely let you know." Harry says and she frowns.


I lazily climb out of bed and throw away my empty coffee cup. "I'm going to get ready." 

"Yeah,please do because you stink." Harry playfully says and I flip him the bird.

I hurriedly make my way to the showers and step right in underneath the as usual–lukewarm–water and begin to wash my body. The warm water relaxing my tense muscles and I can slowly feel my headache start to fade.

After showering, toweling off and applying lotion, I throw on a 'The Who' tank top, some denim shorts and blue vans, throwing my hair into a messy bun.

All done.

I walk back to my dorm room where Mary and Harry are going through my old primary school yearbook.

"Guys give that back!" I pout and they continue to laugh.

"Aww look." Harry says. "Little Bella had no front teeth." he points to an old class photo and erupts in laughter.

I eventually manage to snap the book from Harry's tight grip causing me to smirk.

"I bet you weren't too cute either." I tease and he raises an eyebrow.

"I was cute I tell you, in fact, I even had this hot girl in seventh grade, Simone, drooling over my fifth grade ass."he says and both Mary and I start to laugh.

"Shame." Mary says. "I wonder what happened?"  and with that Harry flips her the bird and I laugh again.

"Hey we should go."he says.

"Okay? Where to?"

"Just come."

I nod and I follow him out the door after saying goodbye to Mary. We walk out of the gates into the nearby park.

"So." I speak up. "This is off topic but, I'm kinda going to need your help too." 


"I need to find Braden's murderer Harry." I say and he tenses up a bit.

"What?" I ask, studying his body language. "Do you know anything? I swear to god if you know someth–"

"I don't!" he shouts and I'm a bit taken aback.

"I'm sorry it's just." I sigh. "I thought you knew something.."

"It's–It's okay."

"Aren't you supposed to be doing something for your birthday?"I ask.

"I don't like birthdays."

We walk for a while and I take a look at my surroundings. The park is quite full today, seeing that it's Sunday.

"You hungry?"he asks.

"No. You?"

"No. Just wondered if you are."

We walk a bit further until we eventually stop and sit on the old half broken swing.

"So will you help me? Find the murderer?" 

"Yes, of course." he says and I smile.

"Have you thought of anything yet?Like how we are going to prove this thing?" I ask

"Oh Emma? Yeah, no I haven't. I first need to find out who she could be cheating on me with."

"And when you find the guy?"

"I'll beat him up."he answers dryly.

"Yeah keep Emma for me, I'll beat her up too." I say and he laughs quietly.

"I'll help you Harry." I smile. "But you need to help me too."

"Yeah, thanks again by the way."

"Sure." I say. In that moment an idea pops into my head, something I've never thought of before.

"Harry?" I ask. "Do you happen to be good at installing cameras?"

AN:Goal for next chapter
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