Chapter Eighteen

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"I think we should, um, watch the forest tapes now..." I say and Zayn nods, yet again typing in a few things in order for the hazy screen to pop up again.

"There it is."

A few random girls are standing against the tree, while one of them make out with a boy and I scrunch my nose up in disgust.

"Er, Zayn I don't think it." I trail off as soon as Harry, Braden and that unknown guy walk towards the girls, and they all scatter away.

I watch the tape intently as they start kicking Braden and punching him again. Braden only got about three shots in - two if he was lucky. I remember he was never really one to fight with anybody.

Eventually they stop kicking him and the unknown guy says something, which I can't exactly make out.

"Doesn't this thing have volume??" I ask Zayn and he shrugs. "You don't know? For God sakes Zayn, check!"

He rolls his eyes and quickly types in a few stuff again.

"Got it!" he says and I start to hear the volume gradually become louder.

The sounds are muffled due to the wind on that night, I remember it was a rainy evening.

"Do you understand me?!" I hear the unknown guy say to Braden.

"Y-Yes," Braden cries, wanting them to stop. "I was just kidding, I won't tell on you guys, e-ever just p-please stop hurting me!" Braden pleas and I feel my tears threatening to fall.

"To late for that now, B Boy." the unknown guy smirks and pulls out a shiny object.

A gun.

From hear on out they aren't speaking so there was no point in listening anyway. By now my heart is pounding in my chest at the sight in front of me. I'm about to watch the murder of my best friend.

"Are you sure you want to watch this, Bella?" Zayn asks with sympathy laced in his voice.

"Y-Yeah." I choke and continue to watch the gruesome sight in front of me.

Harry just stands there, hands stuffed into his pockets, with a huge smirk plastered on his face. Son of a bitch.

Harry gives one final kick to Braden's stomach and bends down to him, and I lean in to hear the volume better.

"Sorry that we have to do this." Harry says before stepping away, giving the unknown guy time to do what he must. A few moments later the guy finally pulls the trigger on Braden, sending a loud bang into the atmosphere.

They both run off, but Harry looks back with the most heart breaking look I've ever seen.

I watch as my best friend's lifeless body lies there helplessly. If only I was there to help him.

"I just wish I was there for him!"I say as I break down into a fit of sobs.

"He knows that you would've done anything for him, Bella. Please don't be hard on yourself because of this."

"Thanks, Zayn. I'll try." I nod, even though I know it's quite impossible.

a.n okay so last bit of this scene in next chapter, then the story BEGINS. :))
Goal for next chapter

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