Chapter Twenty One

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*Mary's POV*

“What's up?” Ed asks as we walk into the passage and I shut the door behind us.

“The 'unknown guy' in the video,” I say. “I know him.”

“What do you mean you know him?..Mary?” he asks confused.

“His name is Mike. He's my ex boyfriend.”

“Urgh, dammit, Mary.” he groans and puts his hand frustratedly on his head. “You're serious?”

“Yeah. I am,” I sigh. “We can't tell Bella or else she'll go to the police and then Mike will kill me because I'm the only one who knows a–”

“Whoa. Wait,” he cuts me off. “This whole time, you knew who killed Braden? That's the reason why you told Bella to just drop it? Hmm?” he asks and I bite my bottom lip, nodding slowly.

And you knew Harry helped him? Didn't you?” he asks.

“No! I honestly did not know Harry was involved. You have to believe me Ed pl–”

“You know what? That's so fucking selfish of you! Bella's supposed to be your best friend, but you're hiding these things from her!”

“I know!” I shout in frustration. “I-I just can't! He knows things about me Ed! Things that can totally ruin me, or even worse – get me kicked off campus!” I say honestly. “So can you please promise not to tell her? Whatever she does, it still won't bring Braden back to us.”

“You've got a point,” he sighs deeply.“I won't – but trust me, Bella will somehow find out.” and with that he turns around and stomps off.

*Bella's POV*

I'm completely drained. Drained from work, drained from grieving. Drained from sitting in this room all day, it's like the walls are starting to close in on me.

No one really understands how I'm feeling, I'm not sure anyone ever will. Witnessing the death of your best friend – on camera, but still – isn't very easy.

And even worse was, Harry, the person I actually – weirdly enough – trusted was all part of it.

How he even looked me in the eye all this time is a fucking mystery.

Right now I feel like busting his door open and just taking out my non existent AK-47 and blowing his brains out. He fucking disgusts me so much.

I take out my phone – which honestly needs to go in for repairs since it's not working so well or whatever –  and realize I need to talk to someone. Someone who will make everything a bit better at least. I needed a plan, and I needed one really fast.

“Zayn?” I speak into the receiver.“Wanna go for coffee?”

a.n:// this was just a filler obvs :) thank you for reaching 1.1K eeek!!
Just be patient for more action guys haha
Goal for next chapter :

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