Chapter Seven

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"Security camera's?" he asks and I nod.

"I don't. But I know a guy that can."



"I figured we'd put a hidden camera in her room so that we'll catch her."

"Um, what, no. That's invading her privacy!"

"Dude, do you want to know or not?"

"Nah, fuck it. I don't care about this anymore."

What the fuck? What's wrong with him? This was all his idea and now he wants to just 'forget' about this thing?

"This was all your idea, anyway."

"I know, now can we just forget about it?"

"So you don't want to find the guy?"

"I-I don't know! God stop asking so many questions!"

By this time I'm super pissed and make my way across the park to go back to my dorm room.

"Bella, wait!" he calls behind me, but I don't answer him, instead I turn around and flip him to bird.

The walk back to campus is short and I eventually reach my dorm and step inside greeted by a passed out Mary.

"Psst. Wake up." I shove her gently in her sleep.

"Hmm?" her eyes bolt open and she sighs in relief once she realizes it's me.

"Harry's an asshole." I sigh.

"And yup, of course you'd wake me up from my precious sleep to tell me shit like that!"

"Fuck you. It's just, okay look, he thinks Emma's cheating on him."

"So?" she yawns, sitting upright. "He has got plenty of others anyway."

"No he doesn't what makes you think that?" I ask. "So we made a deal. That if I help him prove she's cheating on him, which we don't know how we're going to do that, he'll help me find out who killed Braden?"

"Just let it go, Bella." she simply answers.


"Braden's murderer. Does it matter?" she asks. "It won't bring him back."

"No but it will give me peace of mind!"

She doesn't say anything but roll her eyes, clearly annoyed with me. After minutes of silence she eventually speaks up.

"I met a guy last night..."

"WHAT?" I squeal. "Oh my god, who??"

Mary never had a boyfriend on campus as long as I can remember, so this was quite exciting.

"It's this guy. Named Ed." (a.n yes, Ed Sheeran.)

"Um, funny, I've never heard about him before." I say honestly."Is he your...?"

"What? No. No. We're just kind of vibing I guess?"

"Aww cute." I coo. "Can I meet him?"

"Yeah sure I guess, but as long as you know we're not together, kay?"

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. So when?"

"We could go...bowling? Bowling's fun."

"Yeah, if you can bowl. I can't bowl."

"Bullshit anybody can roll a sphere onto a flat surface."

"Just tell him to come here. I'm sure we'll think of some place when he comes."

"Okay, I'll ask him."

Just as I'm about to take a magazine off the shelf I hear a loud whisper outside the door.

"What?.... No....Fine... Where?...What if he sees us?" I hear the person on the other side of the door whisper.

What if he sees us?

Who is this person?

Curiosity gets the best of me and I slowly open my door and peak around the corner to unexpectedly see.


I don't make myself visible and she doesn't seem to notice me yet. I listen closely to her conversation on the phone.

"Fine...Cafe del Suru in five minutes?...okay... Bye."

What if she's meeting this guy? I quickly go back into my room and grab my phone.

"Where are you going?" Mary asks.

"I have to be somewhere I'll see you later!" I quickly explain and make my way down the stairs quietly to Cafe del Suru.

a.n:/ hii I promise this story will begin to pick up and become more interesting so continue reading please.
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