Chapter Fifty

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A.N : I can't believe this story already has fifty chapters, wow! It's amazing how long I could actually drag this story haha. It'll end in about four more.

Enjoyy :)

Chocolate - The 1975

The burning rays of sunlight crept through the curtain, stinging my eyes so bad that they reluctantly opened.

I yawned, stretched and my eyes immediately widened at the sight in front of me.

Harry, Louis and I were in our lounge, at my house, while Louis was sprawled across the floor with ants walking around him, framing the shape of his body, which was dead funny.

Harry, on the other hand, was sprawled across the floor, with his head leaned back on the couch.

I nudged Louis awake and – of course – he didn't budge at all.



“Louis.” I smacked him over the head with the nearest pillow I could find.



“WOAH WHAA”He startled awake, looking really confused, “Fuck you,”

I laughed and turned around has a groan from the end of the other room caught my attention.

“Hey,” Harry yawned, his hair sticking up in random places. (a.n btw i use 2013 harry in this fanfic, soz)

“Okay, so can one of you tell me how the hell we ended up here?”

“WHY DON'T WE START OFF BY TELLING ME WHY THE FUCK I'M COVERED IN ANTS.”Louis jumped up and zoomed out of the kitchen, leaving Harry and I rolling over in laughter.


“No but seriously,” I said, taking a sip of my coffee. After Louis had completely finished his bitch fit, about the ants, we came down for some coffee, “How'd we end up here?”

“Same,” Harry said, bewildered.

“Well,” Louis sighed, “you fuckers decided to go yolo and take god knows what, so you totally blanked out–”

Suddenly my memory slowly returned, “Yes! But the only thing I remember is jumping in a pool...then I saw a ice cream..”

“The ice cream was me.” Louis rolled his eyes, “I eventually shoved you two in my car and drove you two here. So we all passed out in the lounge.”

“Oooh,” Harry nearly choked on his coffee, “Was Angie there?” I smiled.

“Uh, yeah,” Louis blushed slightly.


“We're kinda together, I guess?”

“WHAT LOU THAT'S SO CUTE.”I jumped over to him, pinching his cheeks together.

“SHUT UP YOU DICKHEADS.”Lottie screamed from upstairs causing us all to laugh, and my mother to appear from the garage..

I coughed awkwardly, “Morning mum,”

“Morning Mrs McCoy.”

“Sup,” Louis mumbled.

“What's going on here?” my mother giggled, surprising Louis and I both.

“Nothing,” I smiled. “Just catching up on last night.”

“How was it?”

“Great,”Louis laughed, glancing between Harry and I.

“Angie and Louis are–”

Do not,” he warned.


“That's great! She's a lovely girl. I like her,”

Harry tensed up next to me, I gave him a small smile.

“Uh, can I talk to you and Harry alone for a sec?” my mother asked and I nodded. Louis quickly left the kitchen, head buried in his phone of course.

“I was wrong, I know,” my mother smiled. “And I'm sorry for all the things I said. I just reacted badly, needed some time, I guess.”

“It's okay, mom.”

“And Harry,” she said and Harry jerked his head up, “I'm sorry for doubting you. But just try to understand my reasons for reacting the way I did. Any mother would have. But I can see you're making my daughter happy. So I wish you two all of the best.”

I smiled and got out of my seat to give her a hug, “Thanks mom.”

So before any of us got all teary eyed, we decided to make something to eat.

Breakfast was uneventful, as Lottie was babbling about her new crush and I continued to tease Louis about Angie.

“When are you two leaving?” my mother asked curiously.

“Today, actually.”

“Oh,” she frowned. “I thought you'd stay longer.”

“Don't worry, we'll visit soon, mum.”

So after breakfast was over, we went upstairs and packed.

“I'm really glad she's okay with us now.” Harry sighed in relief.

“It was so unexpected though. I legit thought we were gonna leave without her being okay with this.”

“Me too, but luckily..”

I kissed him, “Yeah.”

Louis barged into my room running open arms to Harry an I, engulfing us in a hug.

“I'll miss you two fuckers so much,” he fake sobbed.

“Awww,” we said in unison.

After that, we went downstairs, bidding them our goodbyes countless times.

“Oh yeah,” I said, grabbing a pair of jeans I'd got from Forever 21 which I had wrapped up, “I got this for you, Lot.”

“Aww cool,” she grinned. “I love you.”

“Love you more.”

I went over to my mum, giving her a big hug. She whispered in my ear quietly, “Be careful.”

So we packed all our things in the car, and finally finished the debate of who's driving.

“But I felt like driving,” I frowned playfully.

“It is my car.”


“Next stop?” I asked.

My eyes widened and my heart beat faster with his response, “My house.”

The nerves of meeting his parents already kicked in.

a.n ok so guys I have so much still planned for this book but it'll be so much more chapters then, idk what to do ahh.
But anyway, goal for next chapter:

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