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Britts pov

"Scavenger hunt?" I asked as he took my hand and pulled me towards the kitchen door.

I was totally confused. The last thing I remembered was teasing Ava about how she was the only one of us not to date Kyle, and now I was apparently going on a scavenger hunt although I didn't know why or what I was looking for.

He pulled me out onto the patio where the kids were waiting with a card.

"The place that was boys only until you."

"The treehouse?" I asked as I glanced at the end of the yard where a fluorescent card was hanging from the window of the treehouse.

I let go of his hand as I walked to the treehouse. One step at a time I climbed up until I was all the way up. Then I grabbed the card.

"Your first surprise is waiting for you. Go inside and get it."

I rolled my eyes amused and walked into the treehouse.

"Surprise!" Allie and Luke yelled as I shrieked before laughing and hugging them both.

"What are you?"

"Nope, we are not ruining the surprise!" Luke smiled handing me another envelope.

"The place our crazy love story began."

Of course I knew he meant the bench at the park. The place I had broken down after Kyle. I climbed down with Luke and Allie following behind me. I don't know how I had never noticed little Bella standing with my kids but I must not have been paying attention.

"I need a ride." I smiled at Riley. "I don't have my car."

He let out a chuckle and took my hand again before leading me to his car. I buckled in as he took off to the park, but curiosity got the best of me.

"What is all of this Riley?"

"A surprise, just enjoy it!" He grinned taking my hand over the console and rubbing it with his thumb.

I smiled as I let out a short sigh and wrapped my fingers around his. He was clearly putting in the effort, although I wasn't sure for what exactly. I didn't need anything big or fancy, the little things like right now, holding his hand in the car, or eating ice cream together with the kids was more than enough.

He opened the door for me when we got to the park and after walking around following his clues, such as 'the first time I came here with you and the kids' or 'the best place to get something cold to eat' we finally approached the small hidden clearing at the back of the tree line.

It was mostly overgrown now, but when I was Connor and Emelias age there used to be an old fountain back here. I had hidden back here once, my parents were trying to get me to leave the park and I didn't want to go, so I ran off and hid behind the fountain until it started getting cold and I gave in. I was grounded for a week, but they never found me.

I couldn't remember ever telling him about this place, the only other person who had ever came back here with me was my brother, so maybe he had told Riley?

Riley pulled me through the small clearing and into the overgrown patch to the fountain that was now covered in vines with a bouquet of flowers sitting at the bottom.

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