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I wish I could say that I felt different, that somehow twenty four seemed like a turning point in my life, but it didn't. It felt the same as every other birthday since high school. Just a regular day with a nice family dinner.

Of course I always got a few gifts and we always had a fun time, but my birthdays were mostly just a reminder that I had gotten pregnant straight out of high school. Where most people my age were partying on their birthdays, being reckless and experiencing the best of their twenties, I was responsible for two little humans that needed me more than I needed to let loose.

Not that I ever regretted my decision to have them. There were just days, like my birthday, where I felt slightly bummed out that I entered parenthood so young. Still, the feeling typically faded as soon as their little faces excitedly told me happy birthday, and for that I was grateful.

I climbed out of bed and took a shower before getting dressed in the outfit that everyone had given me last night. I took some extra time putting on makeup and styling my hair. I still had to look good on my birthday.

As usual for the last five years since I got pregnant, my parents had made an elaborate breakfast so I wasn't surprised by that. What I was surprised by was that my friends, and more importantly my boyfriend, were no where to be found as I sat with our parents and the kids to eat.

"Where is everyone?" I asked as my mother looked at Averleigh suspiciously.

"They went to run a few errands." She shrugged as I just nodded. Something was going on and I wasn't sure if I even wanted to know.

"Happy birthday mama!" The kids smiled as I gave them their food, giving me hugs as they sat at the table.

"Thank you!"

We ate omelets and pancakes until everyone was full as mom and dad ushered me and the kids to the living room while Averleigh and Spencer cleaned up.

Dad handed me a small box wrapped in gold wrapping paper before the sat back and let the kids hand me their gifts.

Connor and Emelia gave me two small wrapped gifts that I could see they had wrapped themselves, but it was cute knowing that they had tried.

I opened Connors first, smiling at the homemade box with the letters 'mom' glued on the top. "It's a jewelry box." He smiled at me as I hugged him.

Emelias was next and it took a lot longer to open. She had wrapped the whole thing in tape so it was impenetrable for the human hand. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I cut it open with scissors to find the small bag inside of all the tape.

"I made you a bracelet. Nana helped, she even let me use her old bracelets." She beamed as I pulled her into a hug too.

"I love them guys, thank you!" I smiled down at my two little people.

Finally I moved onto mom and dads gift. Once mom had finished explaining that it was also from Averleigh and Spencer, they also joined us as I carefully tore the paper off the box. It was plain so I couldn't make out what was inside. Once I did I looked towards them shocked.

"W..w...what is this?" I asked as I pulled out several vouchers for massages and other things, as well as a smaller box.

"Happy birthday Britt." Averleigh smiled as I opened the box to reveal a set of exquisite and expensive earrings.

The gem inside was a blue sapphire surrounded by diamonds. The light glittered off the stones as I sat awestruck at just how beautiful and over the top this was.

"Thank you!" I grinned jumping up to hug them all. "These must have cost a fortune. I love them!"

"You deserve it." Spencer smiled.

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