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Ingrid Cora Moraitis

     They met at uncle Feliciano and aunt Josephine's wedding

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     They met at uncle Feliciano and aunt Josephine's wedding. My mom was a plus one with her boyfriend at the time was a spy for one of the vampire colonies who were threatened of my family. She said that it was totally out of her element and had no idea why he was there. She was a human during the wedding so her feelings for strangers didn't let him do anything, since he loved her so much. He was supposed to kill Feliciano or Davina but they were never alone; my mom was scared to lose him so she made them leave. After that night things took a turn for her, she never knew he was a vampire until that night, he got angry because he  was spotted but scent and ran with her. Out of anger for himself for bringing her he turned her, she said she was in so much pain but she felt alive even if she was dead. She was angry at him, but he threatened to take her life away again so he made a deal. "You help me kill the oldest one and i'll let you leave" he told her while choking and pressing her against the wall, she agreed but she was also planning her sabotage on him. They had an inside in my families company and my mom saw her from time to time; that's when she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her. She was heartbroken but that only filed her plan to kill him and her together. She never broke up with him so he's think that she wasn't doing anything behind his back; he summoned her one night and said that my aunt and uncle were on their honeymoon and would be back in a month, that gave her enough time to actually come up with a plan. She said that the month was dreading because they starved her, she was also out of the loop with the plans to kill Feliciano so she was anxious. One day they let her go out at night and she killed about five people until my dad found her. He said that she looked so scared and had dry tears in her skin and that he wanted to help her. When he tried talking to her she ran but he didn't stop until she wasn't hungry anymore but angry. "'What's your name?' thats the first thing he said to me when I stopped running to tear him apart" she says. She told him her name and told him to not come any closer because she was scared to hurt another person. He smiled at her and showed her himself to let her know they were alike and he didn't have to run away, "I won't hurt you, let me help you. Let my family and I help you. Who turned you?" he said and he noticed she couldn't remember so her snapped her neck and took her back to the mansion. When my mom woke up she said that she was scared but felt safe there, the room was dark and cozy but she wasn't aware of her surroundings and that wasn't great for a new vampire. My dad explained to my grandmother and grandfather what happen, "She was turned and starved. She killed five people before I got to her like Jo said. She's in my room sleeping. She couldn't remember who turned her, she just gave me a confused look. What do we do?" he said. With my grandma's guidance she gave her a blood bag and talked to her for the night and told her that our family house was a safe place. My grandfather along with my uncles discussed what to do, she was new and hungry. They didn't really know about her or where she came from. She was definitely not from around our side of town but my uncle cole recognized her when he saw her one day. My mom was isolated from aunt Jo and aunt D while she was staying there. Aunt D was thirteen around the time this whole thing happen and barely knew some spells, though she was very smart for her age; she had the memory of an elephant. Aunt D was the only one who could look into her mind on one condition, she had to be touching her but everyone was scared that my mom would do something to her; since she was only human and my mom was still having urges. My mom loved children though but she was scared too so they let them talk though the door from time to time so my mom could get used to the smell of human but also so Davina could get to know her better for a better connection. It only took two weeks for my mom to be good with blood bags and be around aunt D. My mom was hesitant to see aunt D since she only knew her voice and knew that she was the only girl of the family so she was heavily protected. My mom cried when aunt D hugged her since she was so small and smart for someone who rarely knew about the world. She relaxed after a couple of minutes and let aunt D work her magic; it took twenty minutes to find the name of the guy and the colony but uncle Cole was till on the fence of his feeling for my mom, what if she was there to kill my uncle you know? We found out that a Robert Hemingway was part of a colony in the outskirts of town and had a vendetta towards him since the early ages. My mom was kept under a low profile so she was at the mansion most of the time. My dad would stay with her to get to know her and helped her feel safe and welcomed, little did he know what those two months of being on lockdown helped her grow confidence as a vampire and enhanced her skills for fighting the urge of drinking from human and her fast reflexes. She started developing feelings for him too when he'd accidentally touched or help on to her hand while they were sparing or trying to stay under the radar when hunting animals or letting her feel normal. She grew to love my dad when he'd take her to eat at places and was always making sure nothing happen to her. Two months later Robert was spotted at the company building by my uncle Brian and was held there for weeks. They questioned him but he laughed and looked directly at my dad and said "So you're the one who took her away from me and fell in love with her. She's a handful but oh what her mouth can do". My dad broke his jaw mid sentence and my mom laughed at him and said "Oh honey you wished my mouth was around your small peen" making all the men laugh and he tried to come at her. "You're know I don't know what your plans are for this family but your will not hurt that man that I love and his family. I'll kill you right here, right now slowly pero painfully then i'll go back to that shooot hole and kill that whore and the farther you love to kiss his ass" she told me that was the last thing she said around anyone other than my dad before being left alone to torture him in a slow slow death. Sure enough three months later they set up a plan for the colony; they tried to attempt to take my mom and kill her but my family was already there but they never saw them coming. They killed each and every one of them leaving the head and the girl to my mom as she requested, after that my mom was relaxed and spent a whole two months to herself. She invited my dad to go with her and let's just say things got off to a good start since they spent some time alone. What ended up being two months was two years before they came back and got married with the family around. The day of their wedding my mom found out she was pregnant with me and surprised everyone at the reception with the news, that making it for that I would be born a year after Hazel and Kai. (September 13th, 2004)

 (September 13th, 2004)

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