chapter 19

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Avery comes back with Hayden finally. I was worried about her. She seemed still to fragile but he hasn't mentioned anything. She caught me outside saying bye to jasmine. Hayden went straight into the house without saying anything to me. I found it disrespectful but it would seem like a pussy move to even bring it up. Can't have anyone thinking I a stick up my ass. Avery looks like she's glowing. Her eyes are more blue and her skin is glossy making me narrow my eyes at her. She doesn't catch it hopefully but Chloe sends her away.

 She doesn't catch it hopefully but Chloe sends her away

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"Can you do me a favor and prepare the table aves... I need to talk to my son here." Chloe says making me stiffen. "Alright," is the last thing I catch on her innocent face before heading inside. Chloe turns to me and sighs. "Can we talk in the office?" she asks softly with a sadden smile as she squeezes my cheek.

Something happened to Hazel. It has to be that or the kids, maybe even Brian. I've been happy with Jazz, since my mom gave me her blessing to marry her and take over their bedroom i've been happy. Nothing or no one has broken me since then and Ingrid as told me she's seen a difference. Obviously no one can be happy for too long, something is bound to happen to cause an obstruction to this family once again. Hopefully it's not another lost cousin with the temper of the devil.

As soon as we get into the office she sits behind my dads desk and flips it over. I look at her angrily. I hate when jasmine gets mad without telling me straight up what the problem is. Except she isn't jasmine she's my mom. She'll always be my mom, since Josephine was never one. So I relaxed my face and sighed before yelling at her.

"What's happening Jo? You have to speak to me so I can fix it," I say making her snap at me with her eyes glossy. She gets angry and sighs as if I disappointed her by telling her what no woman wants to hear. "Did you smell Avery? Did she smell familiar to you?" she yells making me laugh.

"All of this is because Avery smells like beer and sweat?" I say making her pace back and forth. "She had an affair with Hayden, Kaiden! Hayden... My daughters mate! I want her out of here." she says making me scrunch my eyes. At this point i'm trying to remember what she smelt like but I can only picture them two together. How Hazel would feel and how'd Liam feel. That's betrayal in another level and I don't know what to do about it. She stares at me and I shrug my shoulders.

She turns to me and I feel my heart shatter when she speaks the words. My own mother who cared for all three of us calls me pathetic.

 My own mother who cared for all three of us calls me pathetic

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