Family Backstory

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You know they saying where the bad apple doesn't fall too far from the tree? Well that is basically what this story is about. For example my dad to my grandfather, my dad was a bad seed of the family but he was loyal when he met the right one. Our grandpa was a player, around Stiles' age, when he met a women who he fell in love with. They were happy together, he had the same troubles like Feliciano did with Josephine (but she wasn't stubborn).

Our grandma, Elizabeth Greybeck, couldn't remember know how long they were together when she told Feliciano this story; though it seemed like it was a short, since the last time he saw our grandma.

Our grandparents met at the fair when they were both 16, our grandpa was with another women on a date. She wasn't feeling to well from the ride so she went to the restroom; from what our grandpa told our grandma.
He saw grandma with her best friend and couldn't take his eyes off of her. As they did back in the days he went up to her and they started talking, it flowed so easily. When the women came back she wasn't happy with what she'd seen so she made up an excuse to leave the fair.
A few weeks after the fair summer came to an end, the women said she needed to go back home for a couple of years and asked him to wait for her. He was deeply in love with her so he said he'd wait for her. Our grandpa found himself unhappy waiting for her for three years and started going behind the women's back to find our grandma.
Night after night the women got suspicious since he never wrote her back, since she was hiding the fact that she was a witch she astral project to spy on him. Our grandpa would hang out with our grandma and stay up late watching the sunrise.
He fell in love with her and knew that she was the one; two nights after that they met up at the same spot and our grandpa confessed his feelings and wanted to be with her forever. The women finally got a letter from him one day saying that he became friends with a girl named Elizabeth and that she would love her as a friend too.
She realized that his letter would come later because of the weather and decoded not to spy on him anymore. She then wrote back and that she would have to stay another three years. Totally wrong, she was gone for another six. Our grandparents got together at nineteen, married at twenty (even though he still wrote to the women as if nothing was happening) and had six kids by the time they were twenty five.

When the women heard about him when she came back, she started speaking in her weird tongue. A couple of seconds later our grandfather wasn't feeling so good; our grandma said that he screamed in so much pain and felt cold when she caught him from falling to the floor. The two sets of twins were with her parents so she laid there holding him for hours when he was cold and white. She couldn't do anything but hold him since she was pregnant with my aunt Davina, she said sometime in the morning after the sun was up that he woke up with red eyes.
He said she was hungry but didn't want to harm her when he saw her; she said he got up quick and ran away. A new vampire is not a great case for police i'll tell you that much. After two months he came back to our grandma and showed her what he was now. She wasn't scared but said that he left her alone with her preteen boys who went through the same thing two days after he left.
She still loved him but they didn't know how it would affect him, since he was only twenty five. They found the women one evening when they were taking the kids to the park and confronted her to confess what would happen to him. She said "As for your new ability to feed on blood, you stay one age for the rest of your life. Since you're barring a child it would be a witch since she's still through there. My spell isn't meant for babies but to balance out the nature of your other kids they gave you a witch. Beware though, if you do turn her you might not be able to stop yourself from killing her."

With that little knowledge of his age they were relived but as for the new information they didn't know what to do. He could still have babies? He could turn her? Would she even want to? Could he stop himself? After a couple of weeks sitting with the information our grandma knew she wanted to be with him for the rest of her life; so she told him to turn her and that she trusted and believe him to not kill her.
Our grandfather contemplated on turning is first human since his killing spree. He sat alone on the hill that he met my grandma at and just thought. He waited until Davina was born; three months later. After she was born he turned our grandma but she didn't have the sensation to go on a killing spree since she was a doctor she had blood bags to feed her new addiction.
They felt bad that Davina was the only witch so they bought books in witch craft and everything so she wouldn't feel left out when she could read. The two sets of twins were new so they weren't so much thirsty for blood; though as our grandparents stopped aging their kids grew up. They swore to protect Davina. They were content with their little family.

This is the story of my family.
We are the Moraitis'.

We are the Moraitis'

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